The Monthly Intel – The (Not So) Secret of Building a Winning Team

The Monthly Intel – The (Not So) Secret of Building a Winning Team

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A Message from our Founder

The (Not so) Secret of Building a Winning Team

Business is always a team sport. Steve Jobs was a legendary marketer. Bill Gates is an extraordinary programmer. Elon Musk is one of the smartest people around. And yet the success of companies they built can’t be singularly attributed to their personal abilities, but the quality and efficacy of teams they put together to execute their ideas. It’s the team that always wins. After all, Jobs or Gates haven’t run their companies for almost a decade and yet their valuations continue to soar. And that’s the beauty of winning teams – not only do they jumpstart your success, but also set you on a long-term trajectory.

Now the question is, how can you build a winning team? Or in other words, what makes a winning team? As a serial entrepreneur, I have built numerous companies – some successful, others not so much and I can tell you this: There is no ‘secret’ to building a winning team, but there are certain steps you need to take, red flags you need to look out for, and ingredients you need to add to be able to achieve desired results.

Some of these ingredients include:

Alignment – The first thing you need to do is ensure your vision is aligned with that of your team. The vision and efforts of each of the teams should be inter-aligned as well. For instance, if your product team doesn’t take feedback from the sales team or sales team doesn’t work in tandem with your marketing team, no matter how great they are individually, they won’t be able to realize their true potential.

Talent Management – One thing you’ll find common across all successful companies is that they are always hungry for talent. They pay great attention and efforts to their recruitment process to find the right talent for specific roles. That’s a distinction you need to make – talent is always welcome, but right-fit is equally important. A highly talented individual who doesn’t believe in your product probably won’t make a good team member.

Infrastructure & Training – Teams do not work in vacuum, nor do they always work with their innate abilities. They need additional support – be it in terms of technology or training to work efficiency. Get your teams the best tools, training, and onboarding so that they aren’t hamstrung by external factors.

Culture – Culture always plays a big role in turning a good team into a winning team. I am not just talking about happy hours, team outings, etc. Transparency, leadership, accountability, and feedback, all come together to define the culture of your company. That’s ultimately reflected in each of your teams and further down to every team member. Also, good culture acts as a magnet to attract new talent and retain the existing ones.

Great Product – Finally, but probably, the most important, you need an excellent product for teams to be able to win with. Even the best sales team can’t sell a broken wheel and you shouldn’t expect them to. Here’s the interesting thing – we think products are all about engineering, but the culture of your company also has a deep imprint on the products you make.
This reminds me of a famous story to drive my point home –
“When presented with the first prototype of (the) iPod, Jobs rejected it for being too big. His engineers explained it was simply impossible to make it any smaller. So he dropped the iPod in an aquarium. And he said pointing to the air bubbles floating to top, “Those are air bubbles, that means there is space in there. Make it smaller.” That’s a lesson that seems to have stuck with Apple engineers that’s reflected in their design.

The rest, as we all know, is history.

Overall, it is reasonable to say that the magnitude of your success is a direct result of the efficacy of your team. So if you want to make it big, it’s time you assemble your winning team.

Manoj Ramnani

Upcoming Events:

WEBINAR: Maximize Your Revenue with Sales Pipeline Quadrants

With the current turmoil in the marketplace, it’s more important than ever to effectively manage your pipeline. With over 20 years of experience in optimizing sales, Coach MEdia has pioneered a process called “Sales Pipeline Quadrants” to help you more effectively maximize your revenue.

Join Stephen Pia, Founder of COACH MEdia, and Jason Hubbard, VP of Partnerships and Alliances at SalesIntel to learn how to maximize revenue with sales pipeline quadrants.

In this webinar we will cover:

  • Defining a ‘Prospect’…vs…a ‘Suspect’
  • How to build/manage an honest/true Sales Pipeline…vs Pipedream…-:)
  • Understand outreach (BDR/SDR) metrics so you know how many per day
  • Improve your forecasting accuracy

WEBINAR: How to Align Sales & Marketing with a Unified Data Approach

In a perfect world, marketing sets up sales for success, and in turn sales provides marketing with the insights they need to remain relevant to buyers. The secret sauce is proactive and open communication between the two departments.

Companies that align both sales and marketing teams can have a 67% more efficient closed-won rate and up to 209% more revenue from marketing! While these are highly sought after metrics, some organizations struggle putting “Smarketing” into practice. This is where a unified data approach and process will help both sales and marketing to get on the same page to reach new heights.

Join Gabe Moncayo, CEO & Founder of AlwaysHired, and Jason Hubbard, VP of Partnerships and Alliances, and learn how to better align sales and marketing teams!

Webinar Outline:

  • What is Smarketing and Why Does it Matter?
  • Tips for Creating Better Communication and Processes
  • Using Full Funnel Solutions in Your TechStack

Register for the Webinar

WEBINAR: Tips and Strategies to Build a Predictable Revenue Pipeline

Did you know that building a predictable revenue pipeline comes down to ONE thing? It does! And we’re here to tell you what it is and how you can use it to create a pipeline from marketing to sales that is predictable and fail-proof.

Let’s face it. In today’s market we need to FOCUS on the sales and marketing activities that work to drive meetings and close deals. Learning who to ask for the sale is science. Learning how is art. Join us to bring together the art and science of sales and marketing to drive more meetings and close more deals in 2020 and beyond.

Webinar Outline:

  • The State of the Pipeline
  • Learn the Science and Art of sales-driven B2B marketing
  • The ONE thing!

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Customer Success

Relatient: 25% Less Prospecting, 25% More Selling

Enabling your sales team to spend their time selling is more important than ever to quickly scale your company. Relatient, a MedTech company, needed a large, trusted data source that was more affordable than their previous provider. Good news! They found their solution, SalesIntel!

Read the full story of how Relatient’s team found a perfect combination of high-quality data at lower cost using SalesIntel and created a healthier sales pipeline.

Read Success Story

Data Update

Reach EdTech Decision Makers with Education Intel!

SalesIntel is delighted to announce the release of Education Intel.

The SalesIntel team is thrilled to announce its newest updates for the Higher Education Industry, Education Intel (EduIntel). This comprehensive data set profiles every approachable college and university in the United States;  complete with contact information for organizational leadership, decision makers and key influencers, technographic data, and the most accurate and actionable collegiate data on the market today.

Read Release Notes

Product Update

Identify Target Accounts and More with VisitorIntel

VisitorIntel is an analytics-driven feature that allows users to gain insights into which companies are visiting their website and increase our users’ opportunity to connect with the buyer before they fully define their needs.

Find out who’s visiting your website today with VisitorIntel.

Read the Release Notes

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