Data Gathering & Privacy

Effective date: June 26, 2018; updated: January 9, 2023

SalesIntel takes your privacy seriously.

So your information ended up in SalesIntel. It’s not surprising. We currently manage the largest database of professional contact information on the planet. But just because you don’t currently use SalesIntel doesn’t mean that we don’t take your privacy seriously.

We only manage and send updates for professional contact information. Personal information will never be shared with anyone.

We’ve built an incredibly strong, multi-layered security process designed specifically to ensure that contact info never ends up in the wrong hands.

Opting out of SalesIntel’s database.

If you still wish to have your information removed from SalesIntel, please send an email to using the button below. Be sure to include your first and last name, your title and employer, as well as your email address and phone number. We will remove your information promptly.

Email SalesIntel to be Removed from Database