The Monthly Intel – Jump to Section
- Message from our Founder
- Upcoming Events!
- Client Success Stories: StorySlab: Leveraging Mobile Numbers to Create Opportunities
- Top Whitepaper of the Month: Don’t Know How to Start Conversing with Prospects? Try Sales Sequencing
- Top eBook of the Month: Dear Email, You Bounced Again
- Our Favorit Blogs
A Message from our Founder
VisitorIntel: Our Secret Sauce to ABM Success
Have you ever Googled something and then started seeing related ads anywhere you went on the internet? Say, you search for ‘car rentals’ and suddenly car rental ads start following you everywhere. In the marketing world, that’s referred to as intent-based marketing. There are numerous techniques involved in the process, some more effective than others, and B2C marketers have developed and honed these techniques over the years.
In the B2B world, however, intent-based selling is now starting to be used more widely in the space. The reason being is that it’s quite challenging to distinguish between the intent of an individual from the intent of a company. In fact, that’s the core reason why the intent data provided by some companies performs far better than others. There are various collection methods data providers employ to gather buyer intent information. Refer to this article on intent data to learn all the techniques and intricacies involved.
Now, sales at its core are all about reaching the right people at the right time with the right message. The more precise and consistent you are, the better your sales figures will be. This is exactly what SalesIntel has to offer. We help you find the right people and the right time, all you have to do is craft the right message.
We have put together this excellent buyer intent data guide to help you understand the complete process of leveraging buyer intent data in your sales and marketing outreach so I’ll be very brief:
It all starts with the quality of data. Even the best strategies backed by poor data are bound to fail. That’s why we have partnered with the domain leader Bombora to offer our customers the best intent data available on the market. That, coupled with our industry-leading contact data on a single platform makes a powerful tool to identify and reach the ideal customers.
For instance, if you want to sell your cyber security solution, the data from Bombora will show you which companies are actively looking for such solutions and SalesIntel will step in to deliver all the information about those companies including the contact information for the decision-makers. That’s how you consistently reach the right people at the right time.
On top of that, there is also a website visitor identification feature where you can pull a list of all the companies visiting your website, match them against your ICP, and start targeted outreach immediately.
As mentioned earlier, many businesses in the B2B space are still getting the hang of using this new information and many more still do not identify its true potential for all of its potential use cases. Those that do deploy it, far outperform those that don’t. For example, one of our clients started using intent data in their marketing campaigns and saw their conversion rate immediately jump by 10X.
With such results, it’s a matter of when not if using intent data in revenue operations becomes the norm. The sooner your organization starts leveraging this crucial data, the more quickly you’ll leave the competition behind. The choice, as always, is yours.
Upcoming Events:
Blueprint for Higher Performing ABM Campaigns: How to Build Compelling Content
Session one showed you how to define and reach the right contacts. But how do you get their attention? You’ll need to be focused, engaging messages to rise above the noise. We’ll show you how.
In the next session of our series, we’ll review the keys to creating impactful content to power your ABM campaigns. Hope to see you there!
What you’ll learn in Session Two:
- Best practices for developing customer personas
- How to leverage intent data to tailor content
- Ways to maximize campaign visibility
- How to leverage intent data to increase responses
Top Whitepaper of the Month:
Whitepaper: ABM Platform + B2B Data: Planning Essentials for Your Next ABM Program
The two most desirable traits of an Account-based Marketing (ABM) strategy is scale and accuracy. An ABM platform is a game-changing tool that helps you find, engage, and close best-fit accounts and drive higher revenue, enabling you to get the ABM results you want at scale. However, if you’re slightly off target when identifying your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) or you don’t have accurate data, your campaign will not succeed.
Download the whitepaper to learn how to create more focused and accurate campaigns with quality data and ABM platforms.
Top eBook of the Month:
Buyer Intent Data Guide: How to Find Prospects Already Looking to Buy
Understanding buyers’ intent is a must for any marketer or salesperson looking for a higher success rate and for those who are constantly searching for ways to get ahead. Understanding prospects’ behavior and triggers help businesses to understand what makes them buy and when. Marketing and sales teams can target a specific profile with this knowledge and take a personalized approach to increase the likelihood of a purchase decision.
This ebook dives into specific use cases for intent data for sales and marketing professionals, where intent data is sourced from (and which sources you should be wary of) and how to leverage intent data to fuel your pipeline.
Our Favorite Blogs
How to Choose the Right Sales Intelligence Tool for Your Business