The Monthly Intel – An Offer You Can’t Refuse: Buy 1 Get 5

The Monthly Intel – An Offer You Can’t Refuse: Buy 1 Get 5

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A Message from our Founder

An Offer You Can’t Refuse: Buy 1 Get 5

Last year, the Wall Street Journal reported that large companies (those above 2,000 employees) on average deploy 129 SaaS applications. Even smaller companies (those with fewer than 2,000 employees) aren’t far behind with 73. Honestly, that isn’t surprising at all. We are a far smaller company by those standards and yet we already deploy dozens of tools across different departments.

Take sales and marketing for example, companies deploy separate tools for; sales enablement, marketing automation, data enrichment, ABM, market intelligence, content management, design, and on and on. Even for something as straightforward as B2B data, they have to license around half a dozen tools to make the process work. There is one for contact data, another for data enrichment, yet another for buyer intent data, technographic, etc.

Along with high costs, there are two major implications of this fragmented deployment:

  1. A lot of additional time and resources have to be deployed to train employees for each of those tools.
  2. The complexity of workflow is increased as more tools are added.

So what choice do businesses have?

SalesIntel has an answer. We at SalesIntel have always strived to bring the best value for our customers. While our industry-leading data has played a crucial part in their success, our customers still needed more. That is, we need to provide the full range of B2B data features that have a large impact in their business at all faucets of their sales data intelligence techstack.

Now there are two ways one could do that – either collect and process all the data in-house, as many companies do, or get the industry leaders of those data segments on your platform. Pointless to say, the later approach delivers much better data quality and coverage to the clients and that’s exactly the approach we have adopted.

That’s why the SalesIntel platform isn’t just a contact data source but an ecosystem for complete sales intelligence. So if you purchase a license, you’ll get access to:

  • The highest quality and coverage of contact data from SalesIntel
  • Enhance your lead data and form fills with SalesIntel’s Data Enrichment feature
  • The best technographic data from HG Insights
  • Buying signals and intent data from Bombora’s
  • Accurate and in-depth business insights Owler

And the best part is…there is more to come! So if you had to make a choice, what would you choose – sign up for five different platforms? Or choose one ecosystem with the power of all five?

Now that’s an offer that marketers in the B2C space, particularly those in Retail, would promptly refer to as BUY 1 GET 5!

Manoj Ramnani

Upcoming Events:

WEBINAR: Psychographic Intelligence: The Secret to Accelerating B2B Selling & Networking

Have you ever had that prospect that you’ve done everything right with? They agree you’re the answer to their problems, but when it’s finally time to sign they come up with an excuse that’s something along the lines of “I’m just not feeling it”.

As much as we’d like people to be rational, humans don’t always make decisions based on facts and analysis but often go with the choice that “feels” right. The sales intelligence and data communities have been trying to fill this gap with accurate data, intent data and now with one of the newest data forms, psychographics.

Join Rob Turley, leader at White Rabbit Intel, and Jason Hubbard, VP of Partnerships & Alliances at SalesIntel, as they explore what psychographic intel is, how to marry it with quality data, and how to leverage them to become a B2B selling master!

In this webinar we’ll cover:

  • The Basics of Psychographic Intel
  • How to Find & Interpret Psychographic Intel
  • The Value of Psychographic Data Processing
  • Strategies for Using Psychographic Intel in Your Sales Process
  • Pairing Psychographic Intel with Reliable Buyer Data

Register for the Webinar

WEBINAR: How to Prove ROI to the C-Suite When Every Dollar Counts

Think your marketing efforts are worth it? Prove it. If your boss hasn’t demanded that yet, they will. Then what? Hand them some jive about “return on some fancy made up metric here”? Think that’ll fly? Your budget will be gone so fast you won’t know what hit you. You know what the C-Suite cares about: Sales. Costs. Revenue. This webinar will help you measure all that: credibly and accurately. Here’s the best part: It’s not hard. You won’t need to become a math nerd. The tools are cheap (or free), and you’re probably sitting on most of the data you need.

There has never been a better time for sales and marketing teams to work together to demystify marketing ROI. In today’s environment, every dollar counts and if you can’t associate a lead to the correct marketing spend you’re likely to lose funding for mission critical initiatives that affect sales’ ability to meet quotas and pipeline projections. In this webinar, marketing data pioneer and the author of How to Measure Social Media will pull the curtain back on what the C-Suite really understands about Marketing ROI and how marketers can take simple steps to connect their efforts to tangible sales pipeline. And sales teams will finally know how to ask the right questions so they can align their support and protect their pipeline. Learn how to go from marketing to sales-driven marketing aka s-marketing.

Join Nichole Kelly, Principal and lead researcher at Helix Market Research, and Jason Hubbard, VP of Partnerships and Alliances at SalesIntel to unlock the keys to the proverbial sales and marketing ROI castle.

Webinar Outline:

  • Get data on what the C-Suite actually understands about the key components that contribute to marketing ROI
  • How to improve in-CRM ROI tracking with free tools and data you likely already have access to
  • Creative strategies for creating deep in-CRM sales intelligence that sales teams drool over
  • Innovative can opener strategies for activating high target contacts for sales

Register for the Webinar

Data Update

Federal Government Data Set Now Available!

We are thrilled to announce the latest data update to SalesIntel, Federal Government Data Set!

SalesIntel is proud to announce the release of our Federal government data set. This new product includes firmographics, technographics, and high quality human verified data on the top 100 federal agencies, including 11,000 human verified contacts ranging from C-level decision makers to key influencers who manage the technologies and services that come with each federal contract.

This initial data set represents 3 trillion of the annual 4.8 trillion dollar US federal government budget.

Read Release Notes


Bad CRM Data: The Silent Revenue Killer

This eBook covers all of the important aspects of bad CRM data – from what exactly bad data means to the techniques for fixing it when it goes bad.

64.2% of businesses view CRM tools as impactful to their bottom line. However, to drive sales, it will take more than just a centralized place to manage contacts and accounts to allow them to drive growth. Incomplete, inaccurate, and out-of-date data are all forms of bad data and it is often an overlooked problem. Yet, without high-quality data in your CRM, your salespeople and marketers will never truly realize the full value of your investment or their potential as a team.

Internal data hygiene projects can be a lot to take on! It takes time that many may not have, but there are simple techniques you can implement to start cleaning up your CRM and in time improve your processes and revenue.

Read the eBook

Guest Blog: 360 Learning

Why You Should Transform Your Sales Training with Collaborative Learning


When you think of a career in sales, collaboration probably isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. In fact, you may think the exact opposite – and you wouldn’t be alone. Movies like ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’ perpetuate the idea that sales is a cutthroat job, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

It’s not that sales has lost its edge. Salespeople are still working toward their individual quotas, still monitoring their territories, and at the end of the day, they’re still after their commission. But they’re also working together to pursue shared goals, too.

Read this article to learn more about how to combine collaborative learning into your sales training so you can set your sales reps up for success from day one.

Read the Article


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