Bad CRM Data: The Silent Revenue Killer

Bad CRM Data: The Silent Revenue Killer

This eBook covers all of the important aspects of bad CRM data – from what exactly bad data means to the techniques for fixing it when it goes bad.

64.2% of businesses view CRM tools as impactful to their bottom line. However, to drive sales, it will take more than just a centralized place to manage contacts and accounts to allow them to drive growth. Incomplete, inaccurate, and out-of-date data are all forms of bad data and it is often an overlooked problem. Yet, without high-quality data in your CRM, your salespeople and marketers will never truly realize the full value of your investment or their potential as a team.

Internal data hygiene projects can be a lot to take on! It takes time that many may not have, but there are simple techniques you can implement to start cleaning up your CRM and in time improve your processes and revenue.