Accurate B2B contact & company data for Telecommunications

  • Prospect in real-time.
  • Identify decision-makers showing intent.
  • Filter contacts and companies by technographic, firmographic, and advanced company search.

Get 200 FREE Contacts With Phones and Email Data

Find, reach, and win your ideal customers with SalesIntel.

SalesIntel helps Telecommunications companies connect with prospects faster and accelerate revenue


Real-time Prospecting

Instantly find human-verified contact information for your prospects while on LinkedIn or your target company’s website.

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Intent Data

B2B Buyer Intent Data

Identify the correct decision-maker at the ideal company at the right time with Buyer Intent Data.

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Mobile Numbers

Human-Verified Mobile Numbers and Direct Dials

Instantly find and call your future customers so you can match the speed of demand and increase speed-to-lead.

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Our data platform connects directly to our integration partners so we can deliver best-in class B2B data intelligence capabilities wherever our customers need them.

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  • Why should companies in the Telecommunications industry use SalesIntel?

    SalesIntel gives sales, marketing and revenue operations teams 95% accurate, human-verified B2B contact and company data enabling them to close more deals faster. SalesIntel’s platform offers accurate contacts including emails, mobiles, and key company insights such as firmographics, technographics, company news, and buyer intent signals sourced from industry leading partners.

    SalesIntel’s platform and support team consistently receive top reviews on G2 and Gartner Digital Markets (Capterra) for ease-of-use, data accuracy, and integration with CRM and marketing systems.

    SalesIntel’s platform and support team consistently receive top reviews on G2 and Gartner Digital Markets (Capterra) for ease-of-use, data accuracy and integration with CRM and marketing systems.

  • Who uses SalesIntel?

    SalesIntel helps Sales, Marketing, Revenue Operations and Recruiting / Talent Acquisition teams find the accurate contact information for their targeted prospects and candidates. Learn more about our solutions for SalesMarketingRevOps, and Recruiting teams.

  • What is accurate, human-verified data?

    Our world-class research team of human researchers verifies and validates the accuracy of our data by calling direct dial phone numbers, mobile phone numbers, sending emails, and double-checking everything.To maintain high accuracy and avoid data decay, we reverify our data every 90 days, so you always have the most reliable contact and company data.

  • How do you maintain high accuracy and avoid data decay?

    Our research team is equipped with advanced tools and works consciously to reverify our data every 90 days, thereby preventing data decay and redundancies.

    SalesIntel employs an active data research team, unlike other data providers who amalgamate the internet scrapings of two or more data companies. Since most of the data you receive from us will be human-verified, you can fully trust its accuracy, whereas other data companies only verify based on an algorithm that follows a particular email pattern.

    If you need human-verified data on a specific company or candidate that’s not already covered in SalesIntel’s database, send us a research-on-demand (ROD) request. Our certified ROD researchers can deliver you the requested data with human verification within a matter of just hours.

  • Do you have mobile numbers?

    SalesIntel offers the highest number of mobile numbers in the industry. Our human-verified direct dials and mobile numbers give you the ability to instantly find and call your future customers.

  • How do we get data on contacts you don’t have?

    No database will have all the contacts you need; that is why we go the extra mile for our customers. Our RoD team provides human-verified contact information by request for contact records that cannot be confirmed. With 1,900 on-demand researchers validating up to 500,000 contacts every week, we can deliver the exact contact you need with 95% data accuracy. Our customers also get access to our Express RoD service to rapidly verify email addresses for your email marketing campaigns. This allows you to keep your momentum while you await other contact properties like mobile phone, direct phone, personal email and more.

  • Is the SalesIntel platform easy to use?

    SalesIntel is rated 8.9/10 by users on G2 for ease of use and set up. SalesIntel is natively integrated with leading CRMs and sales and marketing automation systems including Salesforce, Hubspot, Outreach, Zoho, Marketo, Salesloft and more.

Target your hottest leads.

See what intent topics Telecommunications industry are actively researching. Then reach decision-makers instantly with access to human-verified mobiles and emails.

Telecommuting and Remote Workers


Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP)


Remote Office

Internet of Everything (IoE)

What our customers say


Good Partner


Quality of Customer Service


Guarantee growth with access to best-in-class B2B data. Start now.

Building a Sales & Marketing Engine Using SalesIntel

“We grew our database considerably, in one year increased 15x the original contact list size.”

Fabiana Castro

North America Head of Marketing


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