The Monthly Intel, November 2019: SalesIntel – A Full Funnel Solution

The Monthly Intel, November 2019: SalesIntel – A Full Funnel Solution

SalesIntel: A Full Funnel Solution

“B2B data is a crowded market,” the statement a very few will argue yet there are so many companies missing revenue numbers due to poor strategy, planning and execution of activities in their revenue funnel. The common theme in all these misses is a lack of good data and timely intelligence.

If all you needed was some data to blast an email, I am sure there are many (if not hundreds) of companies that can help you with that single task. Sales Intelligence platforms like SalesIntel, not only provide contact lists to fill the top of your sales funnel these platforms help maintain a healthy revenue funnel from strategy to execution and beyond win/loss. Let me quickly trace it for you at each stage:

Strategic Planning: Total Addressable Market (TAM) & Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) Evaluation 

Well before you even send your first message, the revenue leaders need to have a plan and strategy about the target market and the target persona within the market. SalesIntel provides all the tools you need to evaluate your target market and your ideal customer profile to start with a robust strategy and plan of action. You can use SalesIntel’s technographic, firmographic, geographic, intent data (coming soon), and more filters to precisely evaluate your TAM and ICP and by extension, build a more promising target list. 

Top of the funnel: Outbound Prospecting 

Now that you have a clear understanding of who you are targeting based on your TAM and ICP, use SalesIntel human-verified data as well as Research-on-Demand to get the data you need to fuel your sales and marketing team. 

  • Our data quality ensures a very productive sales and marketing outreach by allowing your marketing team to get the message in front of your target audience. 
  • Your SDR team is going to use those powerful Direct Dials to reach prospects and have conversations.

Yes, the real conversations that are going to convert prospects to opportunities and ultimately to successful deals and revenue. Imagine, getting just a list without the proper strategy, hopefully, you are seeing the value of the sales intelligence platform 

Top of the funnel: Inbound – Enriching Inbound Leads 

Depending upon where you are in your brand recognition in the market and your content strategy, you are sure to get some inbound inquiries: web form submissions, thought leadership, event lead lists, etc. Yet, these inbound forms don’t always have the complete picture you need. For example, a prospect comes to your website, fills out their name and email in the web form, and leaves. It’s a great start, but it doesn’t answer key questions your team needs such as:

  • Who is this person and what is their role?  
  • Which company do they work for? (Yes, they used their personal email.) 
  • Are they in your TAM?
  • Are they in your ICP?
  • Should the sales team even reach out to them? 

With SalesIntel, you can answer all of these questions and more. Go to our portal and find out if they are a decision-maker, what company they work for, their LinkedIn profile, etc. You’ll have all the requisite information on their company to help SDRs finetune their pitch and build a better value proposition

Mid Funnel: Expanding Buying Center 

Now you’ve identified the opportunity as a good fit. You’ve been nurturing the opportunity with the champion (or at least you thought so) for weeks but either they are hesitant or reluctant to move forward or simply go dark. 

No worries, we got you covered! You can use SalesIntel’s data to reach deeper into the organization. Run a company search to find other decision-makers to expand buying center and bring life back in your opportunity. 

Mid Funnel: Value Touch by Timely intelligence 

At this point in the funnel you’ve identified a good opportunity, your prospect is engaged and you need to keep the momentum going. SalesIntel’s Buying Intel provides you with significant events (funding, acquisition, new hires, etc.) and news (press release or awards) for the prospect from right within the platform. 

Using this information can help you to provide a personalized touch and keep a warm conversation going. 

End of the funnel: Closed Won 

Congratulations!! With all the great data and intelligence you have closed the deal! Yet, there is still another potential issue. Did you know the average time someone stays in a position is about 3 years? What if your champion leaves the company? That would be a hard stop for many people, but SalesIntel also helps you keep on winning: 

  • SalesIntel will keep the contacts up to date and not only provide you the new contact in that account but where your champion has gone so you can ask for opportunities in their new company (See how you get 2 opportunities?)
  • You will continue to get news and alerts to keep engaged with your client 

End of the Funnel: Closed Lost 

Well, no one likes to lose but that’s part of life. It happens! You take the best notes you can about what happened and plan for future outreach. SalesIntel will provide you with updates to the ever-changing organization and their contacts so you can nurture them for the next opportunity. After all, you know their requirements and are familiar with the buying center, which will serve you well in future reach outs. 

Expand the market: Repeat 

If you have sold to an enterprise, it’s almost certain that companies operating in a similar domain have similar problems also need your solution. SalesIntel provides you with the competitors and similar companies (based on firmographic, technographic, etc) and makes the market expansion phase easier.

With no disrespect to the list and data companies, Sales Intelligence platforms provide you the data and intelligence for the growth of your business. If growth is one of your top priorities then, investing in a Sales Intelligence platform would provide a great ROI to your organization. 

Request a Demo of SalesIntel and see why our clients have seen ROI in 1-3 deals closed!

A Full Funnel Solution


e-Builder Case Study: Building a Sales & Marketing Engine from Scratch

ebuilder case study image

“SalesIntel is the perfect mix of everything we needed.” – Joakim Hjønnevåg, VP of Marketing at LSG


WEBINAR: 5 Ways to Use Sales Intelligence to Crush Your Quota in 2020

Dec 5th Webinar - salesintel and vengreso

Only 54%* of sales reps met or exceeded their quota in 2018. Sales leaders need to be prepared to succeed in 2020 with a plan that integrates data, processes, and tools.

In this interactive webinar Bernie Borges, CMO of Vengreso, and Jason Hubbard, VP of Growth at SalesIntel will be answering the following five questions that will help sales leaders succeed in 2020.

*source CSO Insights


  • What metrics should sales leaders use to set up sales territories accurately?
  • What tools should sales reps have available to them?
  • How does social selling integrate with sales data?
  • What three specific actions should sales leaders direct reps to do in social selling to win more?
  • Which channels are most effective in sales prospecting – email, phone, video, social media, events, text?

Register for the Webinar

Virtual Panel Discussion: RevDriver’s guide to Data-Driven Demand Gen

Dec 11th Webinar - SalesIntel Panel

There are dozens of strategies for demand gen, but some are more effective than others.  Listen in as three experts, Susan Rylance; VP of Growth at Fahren, Jason Hubbard; VP of Growth at SalesIntel, and Brooke Braun; Director of Marketing Operations at MOBE, answer the following questions about their experiences with data-driven demand generation.

  • What are the keys to more efficient prospecting?
  • What are the essential tools for processing, tracking, and reporting?
  • What strategies have you used to hone your message and identify active marketing channels?

Register for the Virtual Webinar


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