The Monthly Intel – Behind the Scenes: How Data Drives Event Success

The Monthly Intel – Behind the Scenes: How Data Drives Event Success

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A Message from our Founder

Behind the Scenes: How Data Drives Event Success

To a neutral observer, business events and conferences may seem like a chaotic place – people rushing from one booth to another, attending short demos, watching explanatory videos, amid all the talks about harnessing synergy and building relationships. What they might miss is the order and precision behind the curtains. 

Traditionally, events and conferences used to be a place that brought likeminded people of an industry together so they can connect and create mutual opportunities. While the core philosophy still remains the same, the method of execution has seen dramatic changes over the years. While earlier it was a matter of chance for attendees to connect with the right buyers, it’s now a result of extensive research, prospecting, and nurturing. 

Always remember this fact: people at an event are not there by chance but have been invited by someone and are on the target list of one or more companies. It may seem like chaos, but it’s organized chaos. Now the question is, where does data fit into all of this? Well, everywhere! Let’s break it down for clarity: 

Pre-Event Marketing

Unless you rely on sheer luck, the success or failure of an event is determined way before you actually show up in an event. Whether you are hosting a booth or are simply a visitor, you must know in advance what you should expect and plan for it accordingly. This is done on two levels: 

1. Choosing the Right Event 

Not all events are suited to all businesses. You need the right match to extract the maximum potential. If you are a SaaS company that sells technologies to the healthcare sector, going to a SaaS event might seem like a natural choice (and it might be worthwhile for making connections and partnerships) but you will see much better returns if you attend events in the healthcare sector. 

The point is, to determine which events promise the most returns, you need to know in advance who will be attending it. If you have a reliable B2B data partner, you can get event lists and be much more informed decisions than you would be otherwise. 

2. Lining up Appointments 

After you zero-in on events, marketers can use a wealth of information to precisely target companies to generate maximum traction and book maximum appointments for their events. For example, location-based data can be used to identify and target companies of that particular area while technographic data can be used to identify prospects with similar tech stacks that you support and target. Taken together, this offers a list of best-fit companies that will respond better to your message. 

Post-Event Prospecting 

After all the time, money and resources that businesses invest in events, it’s a shame that 70% of the leads generated never receive a follow-up. That said, it’s not entirely the fault of SDRs. They simply do not have enough information to make qualified and meaningful outreach. With a good B2B data provider like SalesIntel, they can: 

  1. Append opt-in lead information to get detailed insights on prospects to build a more effective outreach strategy and proposal. After all, the business cards you get at an event contain only so much information. But with a reliable data source at the backbend, you can obtain technographic, firmographics, buying intent, and much more to gauge the true potential of every prospect and thus prioritize accordingly.
  2. Find and connect with other decision-makers at the company. It is common knowledge that B2B purchases, particularly those high-ticket deals, involve around 5-7 decision-makers. So if one of them visits your event booth and leaves a visiting card, sales reps can come back and use the data portal to discover all the other decision-makers involved and start reaching out to them to fast track the sales cycle. 

Customer Success 

Along with generating leads, events are also a great place to boost brand awareness, and customer advocacy remains a major component of it. B2B data helps CSMs discover and leverage opportunities to get in touch and encourage brand advocates to put across the message that resonates with both. 

Events have come a long way. It’s no longer just a glorified business get-together. Every invitation, action, and conversation is choreographed months before the event and is all driven by data. If you are still doing it the old way – simply showing up at events hoping to make connections and get a few leads – you are doing it wrong. Make data a part of that process. Try SalesIntel and you will see the difference. 

Manoj Ramnani


SalesIntel In the News

SalesIntel is Putting the Human Side Back in the Sales Process

We are thrilled to announce SalesIntel was recently mentioned as having one of the best customer B2B buying experiences in Vendor Neutral’s sales tech blog! By putting “the human side back in the sales process” we’ve been able to wow countless clients with our amazing customer service and data quality.

Watch the Full Interview Here


SalesIntel Data Updates

More International Data Now Available: UK & Australia

Australian International Data Now Available in SalesIntel

We’ve released 95% accurate international data for the United Kingdom and Australia  in our portal. To view the data, just go to the location filter, select International and you’ll see the countries we have data for. We’ve also launched with Canadian data, but will also be adding more countries to our international data set. Stay tuned for more updates!


Product Updates

New Controls for SalesIntel Admins: Export Credit Limit

New Feature: How to Manage Export Credit Limits 1

With SalesIntel’s newest release admins have more control over user exports. This is great for ensuring your CRM and email marketing platforms aren’t being overloaded with data and allows for better quality control. You can also ensure a fairly spread usage of credits within your team. See Full Release Notes Here

Export Company Firmographic Information

Export Company Fimrographic Info

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Upcoming Events

WEBINAR: Using Buying Intel to Supercharge Your ABM Campaigns

Using Buying Intel to Supercharge Your ABM Campaigns

As a B2B marketer, you’re looking to move the needle on pipeline and revenue. You want to craft compelling campaigns, but how do you reach target accounts at the right time with the right messaging?

By pairing ABM and intent data you can influence buyers early and address pain points throughout the purchase journey. Given more visibility into real-time buyer interests and behaviors, both marketing and sales teams are more equipped to engage key stakeholders and win over target accounts.

Join Nathan Steele, Manager of Customer Success at Owler, and Jason Hubbard, VP of Growth at SalesIntel, for the webinar and learn how intent data can bring your ABM strategy to the next level.


  • What do we mean by Buying Intel/Intent Data?
  • Designing an ABM campaign with Intent Data in mind
  • Supporting MarTech needed to maximize automation

Register for the Webinar

CONFERENCE: SalesLoft’s Rev2020

Join SalesIntel at Rev2020

With SalesIntel’s 95% accurate human-verified contacts, direct-dials, intent data, event registration data append & cleanup and much more, you’ll make the most of every event you attend.

Our team wants to make sure you have the data for success. We’ll be at the expo all three days at booth #305. Drop by to say hello or schedule a meeting with us now.

Book a Meeting


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3 Quickest Ways to Boost Your LinkedIn Lead Generation Without InMails and Ads

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