The Monthly Intel – #PartneringTogether to Offer the Best-Of-Breed Solution

The Monthly Intel – #PartneringTogether to Offer the Best-Of-Breed Solution

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A Message from our Founder

#PartneringTogether to Offer the Best-Of-Breed Solution

Legendary marketer, Steve Jobs, always believed – “great things in business are never done by one person, they’re done by a team of people.” I follow the same ideology and have been fortunate to join hands with SaaS leaders to offer the best-of-breed solution to our clients. 

Whether partnering with complementary solutions or co-marketing with like minded organizations, harnessing the strengths and abilities of others from different corners of your ecosystem is one of the most strategic ways for businesses to scale their innovations. This is one of many reasons why SalesIntel brings the best solution to the market for sales and marketing leaders. 

Bringing the Best in the Business In One Platform…

Having spent most of my professional career working in data and technology, I have come to understand the value of bringing our innovative solutions and picking the best providers in the market.

For instance, we wanted to help our users to hyper-focus their targeting and go beyond firmographic data. So, we collaborated with HG Insights, the leaders in providing technographic data, to ensure the highest-level data accuracy.

Not too long ago in our continuous quest of adding value to our platform for our clients, we partnered with Bombora, the best-in-class Intent Data provider, to help our clients prioritize accounts by knowing their buying intent signals.

Using Data Without Disrupting Your Workflow…

SalesIntel’s integrates with the most popular systems that revenue teams already use. This simplifies all workflows by allowing users to easily export contact information directly into their CRM, email marketing platform, sequencing tool, etc. and begin your outreach. By adding 95% accurate, human-verified data into your native ecosystem, you can create a stronger database without causing disruptions to your team’s productivity.

These systems include Salesforce, Marketo, Outreach, SalesLoft and HubSpot to name a few.

Creating a Win-Win(-Win) Situation…

Organizations in the B2B space can also greatly benefit by working with other companies to achieve a goal. e.g., creating co-marketing materials to increase exposure for both organizations. These relationships and efforts are only enhanced by complimentary solutions where all users would benefit from the thought leadership or specific technology use cases. This creates a win-win(-win) situation for us, our partners, and most importantly, our customers from.

We will continue to invest in partnerships to ensure our clients can get the most B2B data from a single platform. Ultimately, every entrepreneur would want to see their clients, partners, and business #GrowTogether.

Manoj Ramnani

Upcoming Events:

The Journey to Success: How to Build a Winning Strategy with Data Insights

You’ll learn about sales intelligence, a data-driven approach to sales. Data insights have the potential to impact every stage of the sales cycle. In these times it is more important than ever to have a well-thought-out sales process. In this context, data has become an end-to-end solution that empowers sales teams to easily identify, connect, and engage with qualified buyers.

Join us as we listen in as experts from Salesintel & DemandMatrix are going to share how robust organizations have unlocked growth with Data Insights.

Register for the Workshop

AA-ISP Women in Sales Summit

In the current environment, with in person meetings and events largely sidelined, outbound sales has become even more important than ever.

So it’s no surprise that you’re hearing more and more about cold calling tactics, cold emailing strategies, etc. However, if you’re only focusing on one channel you’re missing the boat. So we’re here to equip you with the tips and tricks you need to succeed at cold everything!

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The Cold Everything Secret to Sales

In the current environment, with in person meetings and events largely sidelined, outbound sales has become even more important than ever.

So it’s no surprise that you’re hearing more and more about cold calling tactics, cold emailing strategies, etc. However, if you’re only focusing on one channel you’re missing the boat. So we’re here to equip you with the tips and tricks you need to succeed at cold everything!

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AA-ISP Executive Briefing: How to Navigate and Best Leverage B2B Data

Demand generation has been a challenge for many organizations lately.

With in-person events and other previously reliable lead channels taking a hit, sales leaders have been forced to look elsewhere for lead sources. Data partners have been key in helping numerous companies bridge the gap, but did you ever stop to wonder where all that information came from?

Join former RainKing CRO and data industry expert, Elizabeth Walter, and Manoj Ramnani, CEO of SalesIntel, as they delve into the history of the B2B data industry, it’s future and how to best navigate your data provider options.

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Thinking Outside the Inbox: How to Increase Audience Engagement

Consumers are more savvy of digital automations and tactics. With the virtual space becoming increasingly crowded, getting a prospect’s attention and making a lasting impression is more of a challenge.

It’s time for sales professionals and marketers to think outside the inbox! “Old school” tactics may seem archaic, but are more impactful than standard email sequences. Join Sendoso and SalesIntel as they dive into non-digital strategies to increase your audience engagement.

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How to Drive a 27% Reply Rate from Cold Outreach Using Data and Automation

With all of this noise, getting a hold of prospective customers is very challenging. On average, it takes 9 touches to get a hold of a prospective customer, an increase of two touches from just a few years ago, a number that continues to increase over time.

On this webinar, you’ll learn how to craft thoughtful outreach sequences that look and feel manually written although they are automated. You’ll also learn the basic framework of a set of proven sequences sellers need to run an effective sales process, ensuring that every lead is followed up on. Sequences allow your team to improve your revenue numbers without hiring additional sellers. In most cases, up to 30% of a sales process can be automated, which helps your sales reps focus on high-value activities like closing deals instead of sending follow up emails.

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Product Update:

Data Enrichment for Marketo

In addition to being able to export contacts and company information directly in Marketo, our users now have the ability to run one time enrichments or set up auto enrichment for leads and contacts.

Data Update

Data Enrichment for Marketo

SalesIntel announced the launch of their new human-verified international data sets that are 95% accurate. Eleven (11) new international countries were added into the SalesIntel user portal for a more robust sales intelligence user experience. This addition grants SalesIntel customers the opportunity to reach prospects across the world, helping drive new revenue possibilities.

Read Release Notes

Event Recap:

Sales Workshop Recap: How to Generate More Leads on LinkedIn

You can find almost every executive and decision-maker of significance on LinkedIn making it a goldmine of B2B contacts if you know how to access them. Watch the workshop recap to learn how you can generate more leads on LinkedIn by revealing direct email and phone numbers from LinkedIn profiles, lists, company pages.

Session Takeaways:

  • A FREE Chrome extension to help you continue to generate leads during and after this workshop.
  • Learn how to reveal decision-makers’ direct phone, email, and other info while on LinkedIn and company websites.
  • Pro tips and best practices for leveraging the free Chrome extension.

Watch Recap Now

Our Favorite Blogs:

The 5 Best Data-Driven Lead Generation Hacks Using SalesIntel

How Managers Can Set Smarter Sales Goals Using Data