Why LinkedIn Is So Effective For B2B Marketing And Sales [Infographic]

Why LinkedIn Is So Effective For B2B Marketing And Sales [Infographic]

LinkedIn is no longer the cryptic professional networking platform or career board that many have grown to know. Over a series of recent acquisitions and product upgrades, LinkedIn has evolved from a platform where you once harassed your colleagues to a B2B business tool that shouldn’t live without.

If you are running a business-to-business company and not using LinkedIn as a marketing tool, you are definitely missing a lot of revenue. There are still many companies that are not involved on LinkedIn due to lack of awareness about executing a good strategy to promote their brand or company.

LinkedIn is a strong social network for B2B advertisers. Created for business networking, LinkedIn performs incredibly well for B2B lead generation. It generates 80% of B2B leads generated from social media, making it the best social media platform for B2B.

When you build connections on LinkedIn, you build relationships with professionals—more than that, you build relationships to decision-makers. If your company is already on LinkedIn or you’re just getting started, it’s crucial that you’ve done all the basics right to maximise your chances of success. From entry level practitioners and influencers, to experienced decision-makers, everyone you’d ever want to target is on LinkedIn. In fact, 61 million senior-level influencers use LinkedIn. Searching for useful content and categorising location, sector, work functions and more provides an outstanding ecosystem for marketers to inform and connect future consumers.

LinkedIn is hard to beat for brand recognition, skilled lead generation, and bottom-line sales effect. Marketing campaigns are delivering on the metrics that matter.

Find more statistics in the infographic below.

LinkedIn Infographic