Ebook – Intent Data 101: | A Tactical Approach to Building an Unstoppable Pipeline

Ebook – Intent Data 101: | A Tactical Approach to Building an Unstoppable Pipeline

As a revenue leader, your mission is to build a predictable, scalable engine that keeps the company growing. But in today’s market, that’s much easier said than done. Buyers are more sophisticated, markets are more crowded, and the old sales and marketing playbooks have become increasingly ineffective.

In this eBook, we’ll explore the world of intent data — what it is, why it delivers an ironclad competitive advantage, and how to effectively operationalize it across your everyday tactics to build a scalable and rewarding revenue pipeline.

You’ll learn:

  • What Is Intent Data?
  • What You Need To Do Before Using Intent Data
  • Best Practices for Building a Rock Solid Intent Strategy
  • Using Intent to Become Intentionally Unstoppable!