Lead Nurturing Tips and Best Practices

Lead Nurturing Tips and Best Practices

As the number of coronavirus cases continue to rise across the globe, companies worldwide struggle to stay afloat.

Adopting work from home practices as well as remote workforce management software solutions for your team simply won’t cut it. You also need to take care of your prospects and customers by implementing lead nurturing tactics at every phase of their purchasing journey.

Potential customers, current clients, marketers and sales staff all benefit from connections forged through lead nurturing best practices. Once a new lead gets onboard your marketing communications, you have the opportunity to shine the spotlight on your brand and your story, telling them how your products and services can answer their demands.

There are plenty of lead nurturing examples that are geared to connect with every prospect and customer on a personalized level, which is integral for any content or campaign phase. Every step in lead nurturing should be an open door for your audience to increase interaction with your brand.

We understand that engaging with your customers and prospects can be challenging, so we’re here to help you develop a robust lead nurturing strategy. Take a look at our tips below:

1. Use research to build your contact list

Regardless of which industry you operate in, your sales team is counting on contact information and lead lists to boost profit. However, data is difficult to mine, since it constantly changes, which can lead you to waste time sifting through invalid and outdated information. You don’t want to handle this, and more importantly, you wouldn’t want your lead nurturing tactics to end in dead-end dials, switchboard navigation and empty leads.

If your lead nurturing practices involve using lead nurturing tools (as it should), it’s wise to take advantage of not only your system’s incorporated data list but also its capability to handle research requests and deliver them rapidly. The best lead generation software will have a research team that can supply precise human-verified data that is rechecked periodically. Besides this, this team can also work with you in determining your ideal customer profile and creating a personalized clientele list, which works wonders if you’re in wholesale and retail.

When each phone or mobile number, email address, contact name, title and organization have been validated and deemed accurate, you’ll have everything you need to execute successful lead generation techniques and tap the right prospects and targeted accounts to begin appropriate conversations that eventually lead into conversions.

2. Send lively, engaging and personalized emails

Lead nurturing best practices go beyond leading your prospects and customers to a landing page. A lot of ventures make that mistake, and they end up boring their consumers to death. You need to be able to ignite interest with your emails and exert more effort than merely being content with a catchy subject line. While this can help boost your open rate, your content is the driving force behind your lead nurturing.

The content of your emails should be packed with interactivity and personalization. Streamline the user journey by eradicating engagement roadblocks and enabling your prospects and customers to accomplish an action through their email.

Some lead nurturing examples for email content include attaching GIFs, exciting quizzes, interesting infographics, product polls and surveys, raving ratings and reviews, engaging videos, and hovering mouse, to name a few. If you’re hosting an event, you can even allow your prospects and customers to add your affair to their calendar, which triples as a reminder and a technique for higher turnout.

You can also consider holding online courses where each email you deliver contains a small module, making your correspondence something that your consumers look forward to and learn from. This also presents an opportunity for you to forge trust with your prospects and customers as well as establish a strong link with them. This example exudes 100% engagement, since you’re providing your consumers with an immersive journey, which is what lead nurturing should be about in the first place.

As for personalization, you can opt to deliver triggered emails when your prospect accomplishes a certain action. Let’s say they clicked a link attached to your email or browsed a particular page on your site or demonstrated a high level of interest towards your products, you can send the right marketing message at the right time to push them to make the purchase or increase conversions.

3. Videos make for a good lead nurturing strategy

A study from YouGov declared that 87% of consumers want to see more videos from brands. It also found that 72% of consumers would prefer to watch a video to gain more knowledge about a product or service, if presented with the option to consume either text or visuals. This data only proves one thing: you need to maximize videos to nurture your leads and spark curiosity in your brand and what you can offer.

An idea you should consider is including a product explainer video to aid in a consumer’s buying decision. This especially works if you have a complicated item. A product explainer video drives people to purchase your products, since you’ve given them content that is important to them, which makes their decision-making a breeze. Research from Smart Insights backs this by declaring that 48% of consumers want videos to contain content they are curious about.

Here’s another one from our lead nurturing examples: conduct webinars. This gets your leads to trust you even more and view you as a thought leader. For example, if your customer is only getting to know your brand, you can invite them for a product demo webinar so you can directly explain to them what your product is all about and what sets you apart from other vendors. They can also appraise you, which can get your curious leads even more hooked. Don’t forget to open access to previous webinars, so that prospects can conveniently review what they missed and easily find what they need.

4. Work with Influencers

While it might not be a common tactic, you can utilize influencer marketing and incorporate it to your lead nurturing strategy. First, decide on your chosen ambassador and make sure that they can bring increased engagement to the table. Will you be reaching out to a famous celebrity or will you be working with a Instagram micro-influencer?

Once you’ve selected your influencer, you can decide on what they would cover and which aspects you can work on together. You can ask them to review your goods and services, attend and report about your event, write a blog post about your products, mention your brand on a post, create a video about the latest item in your roster and a whole lot more.

5. Integrate your lead nurturing tools with other systems

To supercharge your sales and marketing pipeline, you can merge the information you gather from your lead generation software to the current platforms you already use. For instance, you can use data to work alongside your sales CRM tools such as Salesforce or Hubspot to drive revenue from your sales and marketing processes and resolve challenges all sales reps face.

Another one from our lead nurturing examples can also cover browser plugins that enable users to overlay their collected contact information on business sites as well as professional networking pages.

We understand that sales and marketing departments find it taxing to keep their data organized and precise so that they can accurately predict and accomplish their profit objectives. With the combined forces of lead nurturing tools and platforms that define the customer experience, the difficult part of the job can be alleviated and the promise of revenue growth can be easily fulfilled.

Take advantage of these lead nurturing best practices

By using some or all of these tips, your lead nurturing tactics are sure to meet success. However, the best way to execute this is to begin, so we suggest experimenting on these techniques with your sales and marketing teams.

Remember that tailored and interactive content nurtures your leads and that personalization is the key to guaranteed conversions. We hope that we made a significant contribution to developing your lead nurturing strategy.