How To Find the CEO’s Email, CEO’s Phone Number, and Other B2B Decision-Makers’ Contact Information

How To Find the CEO’s Email, CEO’s Phone Number, and Other B2B Decision-Makers’ Contact Information

Securing direct communication with CEOs and high-level executives is paramount for B2B success. However, obtaining accurate contact information can be a daunting task. This comprehensive guide will equip you with effective strategies and tools to unlock the elusive world of CEO emails. From leveraging advanced sales intelligence platforms to harnessing the power of online research, we’ll explore proven methods to connect with key decision-makers.

Five Common Ways to Find CEO Emails

1. Leveraging Sales Intelligence Tools for CEO Emails

Sales intelligence tools leverage advanced algorithms and databases to compile comprehensive information about companies and their key personnel. By utilizing these tools, you can access not only CEO emails, CEO phone numbers, or B2B decision-makers but also valuable insights into the professional background and responsibilities of the decision-makers you’re targeting.

Let’s dive into how SalesIntel stands out in this crowded field:

  • Accuracy: SalesIntel boasts a 95% accuracy rate for CEO emails, significantly higher than industry averages.
  • Comprehensive Database: Access over 10 million CEO and executive contacts, updated in real-time.
  • Advanced Filters: Narrow your search by industry, company size, location, and more to find the exact CEO emails you need.


  • Comprehensive Data: Sales intelligence tools provide detailed and comprehensive information about businesses and decision-makers, including contact details, professional background, and responsibilities.
  • Time Efficiency: These tools automate the data-gathering process, saving time and effort compared to manual research.
  • Real-time Updates: Many tools offer real-time updates, ensuring that the information is current and accurate.


  • Cost: Quality sales intelligence tools often come with a price tag, and the investment might be a concern for small businesses or individual professionals.
  • Learning Curve: Some tools may have a learning curve, and users might need time to familiarize themselves with the features and functionalities.

2. Google Search Strategies for CEO Emails

Google remains a powerful ally in the quest for contact details. Leveraging advanced search operators and strategic keywords can help you unearth relevant information about CEOs and decision-makers. Explore online publications, press releases, and business directories to discover valuable nuggets of information that can lead you to the right individuals.

it’s essential to use advanced techniques to find CEO emails effectively:

  • Use Boolean search operators: “CEO email” AND [Company Name]
  • Explore Google’s “People Also Ask” section for related queries
  • Leverage Google’s image search to find CEO photos, which may lead to contact pages


  • Free Access: Google is a free and easily accessible search engine, making it a cost-effective option.
  • Extensive Information: Google can provide a wealth of information beyond just contact details, including news articles, press releases, and industry insights.


  • Information Overload: Sorting through vast amounts of information on Google can be time-consuming, and there’s a risk of getting overwhelmed by irrelevant details.
  • Data Accuracy: The information found on Google may not always be up-to-date or accurate, as it relies on publicly available data.

3. Harnessing Social Media for CEO Contact Information

Social media has become an invaluable resource for professional networking. Platforms like LinkedIn provide a wealth of information about business professionals, including their current positions, affiliations, and contact details. Don’t hesitate to reach out through these channels, as many executives actively engage in networking on platforms like LinkedIn.

Social platforms, especially LinkedIn, can be goldmines for CEO emails:

  • Utilize LinkedIn’s advanced search features to identify CEOs
  • Look for “Contact Info” sections on CEO profiles
  • Engage with CEO content to build rapport before requesting contact information


  • Professional Networking: Social media platforms, especially LinkedIn, offer opportunities for direct professional networking with B2B decision-makers.
  • Insightful Profiles: Social media profiles often provide insights into a person’s professional background, skills, and endorsements.


  • Limited Contact Information: While platforms like LinkedIn may offer contact information, not all professionals share their email addresses or phone numbers publicly.
  • Time-Consuming Outreach: Establishing connections through social media may take time, and responses are not guaranteed.

4. Networking Events: A Direct Path to CEO Emails

Participating in industry events and conferences is an excellent way to connect with key B2B decision-makers face-to-face. During these events, you may have the opportunity to exchange business cards or gather contact information directly. Additionally, industry-specific gatherings often provide platforms for virtual networking, allowing you to connect with executives on a global scale.

Industry conferences and networking events offer unique opportunities to obtain CEO emails directly:

  • Prepare a targeted list of CEOs attending the event
  • Use event apps to schedule meetings or exchange contact information
  • Follow up promptly after the event to solidify connections


  • Face-to-Face Networking: Events provide a unique opportunity for face-to-face networking, allowing for direct contact and relationship-building.
  • Real-time Interaction: Interacting in person or virtually at events can lead to immediate connections and discussions.


  • Limited Availability: Attendance at physical events might be restricted, and virtual events may not offer the same level of personal interaction.
  • Resource Intensive: Attending events requires time, money, and resources, making it less feasible for some professionals.

5. Company Websites and Press Releases: Hidden Gems for CEO Contacts

Company websites and press releases are treasure troves of information. Navigate through corporate websites to find contact details listed in the “Contact Us” or “Leadership” sections. Additionally, keep an eye on press releases, as they often contain announcements about executive appointments, providing fresh leads for your outreach efforts.

Don’t overlook these official sources of information:

  • Scour “About Us” and “Leadership” pages for CEO details
  • Analyze recent press releases for executive quotes and contact information
  • Use website search functions with terms like “CEO email” or “contact our executives”


  • Direct Source of Information: Company websites and press releases are direct sources of official information about executives and their contact details.
  • Timely Announcements: Press releases often contain timely announcements about leadership changes.


  • Limited Information: Not all companies provide detailed contact information on their websites, and press releases might not always include direct contact details.
  • Reliance on Public Announcements: Information available on websites and press releases is often limited to what companies choose to disclose publicly.

6. Discover CEO Emails Using Common Corporate Email Structures

This method involves making educated guesses about a CEO’s email address based on common corporate email formats.

Start by identifying the company’s domain name from their website URL. Then, create a list of potential email structures using the CEO’s name and the company domain. Common formats include:

Start by identifying the company’s domain name from their website URL. Then, create a list of potential email structures using the CEO’s name and the company domain. Common formats include:


For example, if the CEO’s name is Sarah Johnson and the company domain is, you might try:


To increase your chances of success:

  1. Look for other employee email addresses on the company website or LinkedIn to identify the company’s email structure.
  2. Use email verification tools to check which of your guessed addresses are valid.
  3. Send a test email to the most likely address to confirm deliverability.


  • Free method: Requires no paid tools or subscriptions.
  • High potential accuracy: If you correctly identify the company’s email structure, your guess is likely to be accurate.
  • Works for companies of all sizes: Though particularly effective for smaller organizations.


  • Time-consuming: Testing multiple formats can be lengthy, especially for common names.
  • Risk of triggering spam filters: Sending to multiple guessed addresses might be flagged as spam.
  • Not scalable: This method becomes impractical when trying to find emails for numerous CEOs.

7. Leverage Twitter to Uncover CEO Email Addresses

Many CEOs maintain active Twitter profiles, making it a potential channel for direct communication.

Here’s how to approach this method:

  1. Search for the CEO’s name on Twitter, verifying their account with the company website or LinkedIn profile.
  2. Follow their account and engage meaningfully with their content over time.
  3. Look for tweets where they might have shared contact information.
  4. Craft a concise, professional tweet requesting their email for business purposes.
  5. If allowed, send a detailed Direct Message explaining your request.

Why this works:

  • CEOs often use Twitter for public engagement and may respond personally.
  • Your interaction is visible, which could encourage a response.
  • You can gain insights into the CEO’s interests, which can help personalize your eventual email.


  • Direct access: Many CEOs manage their own Twitter accounts.
  • Public interaction: Your exchange is visible, potentially encouraging a response.
  • Opportunity for relationship building: Engaging with their content can create familiarity.


  • Public scrutiny: Your approach is visible to everyone, including competitors.
  • No guarantee of response: High-profile CEOs may receive numerous mentions and DMs.

8. Obtain CEO Email Contacts Through Direct Company Calls

Sometimes, the most direct approach is to simply call the company and ask for the CEO’s email address.

Here’s how to do it effectively:

  1. Find the company’s main phone number on their website.
  2. Prepare a brief, professional explanation of why you need the CEO’s email.
  3. Call during business hours and be polite to whoever answers the phone.
  4. If denied, ask for the email of the CEO’s executive assistant or a relevant department head.
  5. Be prepared to explain the nature of your business and why you need to contact the CEO directly.

Why this works:

  • It’s a direct method that can yield immediate results.
  • Even if you don’t get the CEO’s email, you might be directed to a more appropriate contact.
  • Human interaction allows for explanation and building rapport.


  • Immediate results: You might get the email address on the spot.
  • Opportunity for alternative contacts: You could be directed to someone who can help.
  • Direct human interaction: Allows for explanation and clarification.


  • Time-consuming: You may face long hold times or need to call multiple times.
  • Gatekeepers: Receptionists or assistants may block access to CEO contact information.
  • Potential for immediate rejection: Your request might be denied without consideration.

9. Unearth CEO Emails via Professional Affiliations and Organizations

CEOs often hold positions in industry associations, non-profits, or sit on boards of other companies. These affiliations can provide additional avenues for contact.

Here’s how to use this method:

  1. Research the CEO’s background on the company website, LinkedIn, and other professional platforms.
  2. Look for mentions of board memberships, advisory roles, or frequent speaking engagements.
  3. Check industry associations and non-profits in the company’s sector.
  4. Visit the websites of affiliated organizations for contact information or member directories.
  5. Reach out to these organizations, explaining your need to contact the CEO.

Why this works:

  • Affiliated organizations may have different policies about sharing contact information.
  • You might find alternative email addresses used by the CEO for these roles.
  • It provides multiple potential contact points and networking opportunities.


  • Multiple avenues: Provides several potential contact points.
  • Valuable context: Affiliations offer insights into the CEO’s interests and priorities.
  • Networking opportunities: You might find mutual connections through these organizations.


  • Time-intensive research: Requires thorough investigation of the CEO’s background.
  • Potentially outdated information: CEO’s affiliations may not be current.
  • Indirect approach: Contacting through affiliations may be seen as roundabout.

10. Access CEO Email Addresses Through Company Newsletters and Mailing Lists

Many companies send out newsletters or regular communications, sometimes directly from the CEO.

Here’s how to leverage this method:

  1. Visit the company’s website and look for newsletter sign-up options.
  2. Subscribe using a professional email address.
  3. Pay attention to sender email addresses, especially for executive communications.
  4. Look for “From the CEO” sections or direct messages from executives.
  5. Analyze email headers for additional contact information.

Why this works:

  • Some newsletters come directly from the CEO’s email address.
  • You become a legitimate recipient of company communications.
  • You gain insights into company priorities and the CEO’s focus areas.


  • Insider information: Gain insights into company priorities and CEO’s focus areas.
  • Legitimate recipient: You’re on the company’s approved mailing list.
  • Potential direct communication: Some newsletters come directly from the CEO.


  • Time delay: It may take weeks or months to receive useful information.
  • No guarantee: Many newsletters use no-reply email addresses.
  • Privacy concerns: Your email address is now in the company’s database.

11. Utilize Website Live Chat to Acquire CEO Email Information

Many company websites now feature live chat functions for customer support or sales inquiries.

Here’s how to use this method:

  1. Visit the company website during business hours.
  2. Initiate a live chat session.
  3. Introduce yourself professionally and explain your need for the CEO’s email.
  4. If denied, ask for alternative contact methods or the appropriate department.
  5. Request a transcript of the conversation for your records.

Why this works:

  • Chat agents may have access to contact information not publicly available.
  • You can get real-time responses to your queries.
  • Some chat systems might connect you directly to relevant departments.


  • Immediate response: You can get real-time answers.
  • Potential for direct routing: Chat agents might connect you to the right department.
  • Record of conversation: You can reference the chat in follow-up communications.


  • Limited authority: Chat agents may not have access to executive contact information.
  • Scripted responses: You might receive standard replies rather than helpful information.
  • Business hours limitations: Live chat may not be available 24/7.

12. Employ Chrome Extensions for Efficient CEO Email Discovery

Several Chrome extensions are designed to find email addresses associated with websites or LinkedIn profiles.

Here’s how to use them effectively:

  1. Research and install reputable email-finding extensions (e.g., Revdriver,, Snovio).
  2. Visit the company website or the CEO’s LinkedIn profile.
  3. Use the extension to search for associated email addresses.
  4. Cross-reference findings across multiple extensions for accuracy.
  5. Verify found emails using email validation tools.

Why this works:

  • These tools often have large databases of email addresses.
  • They can quickly scan websites and social profiles for contact information.
  • Some extensions cross-reference multiple data sources for accuracy.


  • Time-efficient: Quickly find email addresses while browsing.
  • Integration: Works seamlessly with your regular workflow.
  • Multiple data sources: Many extensions cross-reference various databases.


  • Accuracy concerns: Data may not always be up-to-date or verified.
  • Limited free options: Most robust extensions require paid subscriptions.
  • Privacy issues: Some extensions may collect and share user data.

13. Invest in Verified CEO Email Leads from B2B Data Providers

If other methods fail, you can consider purchasing CEO contact information from B2B data providers like SalesIntel.

Here’s how to approach this method:

  1. Research reputable B2B data providers with good reviews and high accuracy rates.
  2. Request sample data to verify quality before purchasing.
  3. Ensure the provider complies with data protection regulations (GDPR, CCPA, etc.).
  4. Check the recency of the data and the provider’s update frequency.
  5. Verify a sample of the emails before using the entire list for outreach.

Why this works:

  • B2B data providers specialize in gathering and verifying business contact information.
  • You can often get additional data points beyond just email addresses.
  • It’s a time-efficient way to acquire multiple CEO contacts at once.


  • Time-saving: Quickly acquire a large number of contacts.
  • Comprehensive data: Often includes additional information beyond email addresses.
  • Targeted lists: Can often be filtered by industry, company size, etc.


  • Cost: Quality lead lists can be expensive.
  • Data decay: Contact information can quickly become outdated.
  • Quality concerns: Some lists may contain inaccurate or outdated information.

Remember, regardless of the method you choose, always use the information ethically and in compliance with relevant data protection laws and regulations.

Find CEO Emails and Phone Numbers Using SalesIntel

Direct access to key B2B decision-makers, especially CEOs, is crucial for successful outreach and collaboration. SalesIntel offers a powerful solution to simplify this process by providing detailed information about companies and their executives. In this guide, we will explore how you can leverage SalesIntel’s  RevDriver Chrome extension to find CEO emails and phone numbers effortlessly.

Utilizing the RevDriver Chrome Extension:

  • To streamline the process of extracting contact details and firmographics, SalesIntel offers the free RevDriver Chrome extension.
  • Users can download and install RevDriver to enhance their browsing experience, gaining quick access to valuable information without leaving their browser.

Extracting Contact Details and Firmographics:

  • With RevDriver, users can seamlessly extract contact details, such as email addresses and phone numbers, directly from the SalesIntel Open Directory.
  • Additionally, RevDriver allows users to gather firmographic data, providing insights into the structure and characteristics of the target companies.

Enhancing Data with SalesIntel:

Unlocking Advanced Features with SalesIntel’s RevDriver+:

  • SalesIntel takes the capabilities further by providing insights into the buying behavior of decision-makers.
  • Users can identify when CEOs and other key decision-makers actively seek services or solutions, enabling timely and strategic engagement.

Enriching Data with SalesIntel RevDriver+:

    • SalesIntel allows users to enrich their existing data, ensuring that their contact lists are up-to-date and comprehensive.
    • This feature helps in maintaining accurate and relevant information for more effective communication and relationship-building.

SalesIntel RevDriver Chrome extension and the advanced features of SalesIntel’s RevDriver+, provides a robust solution for those seeking CEO emails and phone numbers. This comprehensive approach ensures that businesses can find contact details and gather valuable insights to enhance their outreach strategies and stay ahead in a competitive market.