Webinar Recap: Why Data is the Key to Accelerating Your Back-to-Market Strategy

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The business world has been turned upside down. But now that our attention has been turned to how to get back-to-market and begin the process of recovery the question is how to accelerate that process. Here we offer tips on how to transition to a successful recovery and highlighting how data and LinkedIn are essential to the execution of these strategies.

Listen in as the CEO of Skaled, Jake Dunlap, and SalesIntel’s VP of Growth, Jason Hubbard, dive into how data is the key to accelerating your back-to-market strategy.

In this webinar, we cover:

  • What’s changed? Buyer’s who are ready to buy now and who still needs to be nurtured
  • What does better data mean for back-to-market strategies
  • How to shift your outbound strategy dramatically to LinkedIn

Catch the Recap Here!

Meet the Presenters

Jake Dunlap

Jake Dunlap


Jake Dunlap consistently designs repeatable, sustainable sales models and processes that outperform industry standards. As the Founder + CEO of Skaled Consulting, Jake helps executives around the world accelerate business growth with data-backed sales solutions. Before building Skaled, he held the roles of VP of Sales at Nowait (acquired by Yelp), Head of Sales + Customer Success at Chartbeat, and VP of Sales at Glassdoor (acquired by Recruit Holdings for $1.2 billion dollars in 2018).


Jason Hubbard


Jason has literally grown-up in startups, including helping to grow three top 100 Inc. Fastest Growing Private Companies. Most recently, Cirrus Insight was number 41. He now serves as the VP of Growth for SalesIntel.io. SalesIntel is the most comprehensive contact and company data provider that helps you target your ideal prospects and accelerate revenue growth.SalesIntel is the top provider of accurate and affordable sales and marketing contact data.

With 95% accurate, human-verified contacts, 60+ Million machine processed data, and the most direct-dial contacts in the industry, SalesIntel is your resource for contact data. SalesIntel’s new method is to have every direct dial number and email tested and re-verified every 90 days. Our combination of automation and researchers allows us to reach 95% data accuracy for all our published contact data while continuing to scale up our number of contacts. With the most comprehensive contact & company data and our excellent customer service, SalesIntel is your partner in growth!