The Monthly Intel, August 2019: Unveiling Your Fractured Sales Intelligence Platform

The Monthly Intel, August 2019: Unveiling Your Fractured Sales Intelligence Platform

Bits and Pieces: Unveiling Your Fractured Sales Intelligence Platform

B2B data or sales intelligence as it is called these days is one of those few industries that almost everyone is a part of but few know much about it. What do you know about your data partner? We are celebrating our first anniversary next week and I wanted to share our vision but to truly grasp its essence, it’s important that you know the evolution of the industry. And trust me it’s a really fascinating story. 

There is no cutoff date on which sales intelligence kickstarted but most industry leaders agree that Jigsaw was one of the earliest players. Back in 2006 when TechCrunch reviewed the business model of Jigsaw, it was termed a really, really bad idea. It was called out for being evil and amoral before Salesforce acquired the product in 2010 and rebranded it as But you can sustain a flawed product for only so long and thus Salesforce had to pull the plugs on last year.  

However, for all its failings, Jigsaw created something much larger than itself- it laid the foundation of the B2B data and sales intelligence industry. It was around this time that most of the now popular names like DiscoverOrg, RainKing, ZoomInfo, etc. were incepted to fill the rising demand for B2B data. 

But those were uncertain times and nobody knew how to acquire quality data at a large scale or how to market them. So everyone essentially took their own path. Some resorted to just contact lists while others built integration platforms. Some used machine-processed data while others had manual verification. It was a really confusing time to be a customer because each company was essentially trashing the other’s method and by extension, data. 

Fast forward a decade and most of these companies had acquired large amounts of data but none of them really stood out on their own. Some who had good quality data lacked quantity while those with larger quantities had poor quality. Those having both quality and quantity lacked a robust integration platform. This is what then triggered an acquisition spree in the industry. To name just a few, DiscoverOrg bought RainKing, ZoomInfo bought Datanyze, and recently DisoverOrg acquired ZoomInfo. The data and platforms they had been trashing for the last decade suddenly became their prized asset. (Hypocrisy?) After numerous such acquisitions, the industry is today more consolidated than ever leaving businesses with fewer options.  

What Prompted SalesIntel? 

To begin with, the existing companies have become fat and lazy. That’s what the term “entrenched incumbents” means. They stopped innovating a long time ago and now their only concern is further consolidating their position at the expense of customers. 

When the growth strategy of a company is to successively acquire its biggest competitors, it is a clear indication that they have lost faith in their product and the industry is ripe for fresh ideas and innovation. 

With these lessons in mind, SalesIntel has been built from the ground up to offer a comprehensive solution and not just bits and pieces. It’s been a tedious process but I am extremely proud of the milestones we have achieved in just one year since our inception. And I assure you we are just getting warmed up. 

A few highlights: 


We are obsessed with quality. Having 3.7 million human-verified contacts with a guaranteed accuracy of 95% and a 90-day reverification cycle, this is the best you can get anywhere on the market. 


For what it’s worth, I understand that quantity too is quality. We have 70 million machine-processed data across all industries and verticals best suited for large marketing campaigns. 

Comprehensive solution 

For us, contact data is just a part of the solution. having a robust integration platform compatible with most of the popular CRMs and sales platforms, we also offer intent data, data enrichment, and technographic data to help our clients micro-target their prospects. 


This is something we consider the crown jewel of SalesIntel- something you won’t find anywhere else. If you want a piece of contact information and we don’t have it, we’ll go find it for you and deliver it within hours. This more than compensates for any degree of quality or quantity as you get exactly what you need. 


3.7 Million Human-Verified Contacts Now Available in SalesIntel Platform!!

We are constantly striving to bring more human-verified contacts and direct dials to our users. We truly do have the best research team and verification process. Check out our database to see if we just added who you’ve been searching for. As always we’re Your Partner in Growth.


Export Contacts Directly to Your Platforms from the Chrome Extension

The newest feature for our enterprise users has finally arrived! Now you can export human-verified contacts directly to your CRM or email marketing platform from the Chrome extension. Find the data when you need it, where you need and send it to where you work.  If you haven’t tried our amazing extension give it a shot today.


Webinar: How to Customize Your Messaging for the 7 Unique Buyer Types

Date : September 17, 2019 Time : 1:00 pm – 1:30 pm EDT

Have you taken a deal almost to the finish line only to have it vetoed by a surprise decision maker at the very end? You’re not alone. Today there are at least five to seven people involved in the decision-making process. So how do you best prepare yourself to talk to the Decision Committee?

Join us on Sept. 17th for a live webinar and Q&A session on how to target your messaging for the seven unique buyer types you’ll encounter when closing deals.

Register Here for the Webinar


Webinar: Why Your Marketing Team Needs a Concierge Data Service Provider

Missed the Webinar? You can still catch the recap of Jason Hubbard, VP of Growth at SalesIntel, and CJ Hauptmeier, CEO of KPI Analytics, sharing why concierge service has become essential to marketing teams. After all, your marketing needs to be optimized and targeted to close your accounts and increase revenue. No more throwing names at a wall and seeing who sticks to your sales team.

Check out the Full Recap Here

OUR FAVORITE BLOG POSTS THIS MONTH is Dead. Long Live the Data – Last year Salesforce announced plans for the retirement of its platform, phasing out all of its services over the coming year. July 31 was the last date customers could renew their subscription for the Clean and Prospect tools. Assuming you did, you have another full year to strategize . . .

An Insider’s Look at How B2B Data is Collected, Processed and Deployed for Business Prospects – Prospects are either impressed or press on to know more about our database, its functional features, export facilities, etc. Or they are in a state of disbelief, being skeptical about the “human-verified” part and simply assume. . .