The Many Benefits of Identifying Your Website Visitors

The vast majority of website visitors vanish without a trace. If you can gain insight into the people already visiting your site, your marketing department immediately becomes more efficient. Why? Because they discover where to concentrate their efforts.

Also, sales teams will have more quality leads and better preparation before approaching them. They won’t have to constantly invest in new channels to drive new leads. And why would you invest in the other channels when you can reach the warm prospects who have already visited the website?

To bring continuous innovation to the sales process, we have seen at least eight use cases in which website visitor identification proved valuable.

What are those? Let’s take a deep dive into it.

1. Track and measure offline campaigns

If you’re running direct mail, telemarketing campaigns, or (hoping) to set up exhibition booths at trade fairs this year – with website visitor recognition you can better track the results of your offline outreach practices. After all, not everyone converts after the first, second, or even seventh touch. If a prospect visits your website or even a particular landing page soon after you have undertaken an offline campaign, it is fair to infer that the campaign has been successful.

While we can never be 100% positive if a visit to a website was caused by an offline promotion, we can assume that it is extremely likely to have been caused based on the timing, visiting company, and other considerations.

A good visitor identification tool is capable of comparing – in real time – the list of companies that you have written, invited, or contacted offline with visitors to your website. You can gauge the progress of your campaigns and evaluate online what impact the offline campaign had. Then you can decide what specific steps to take next.

2. Open up the opportunity of repeat business at the right time

Providers of long-life, low-maintenance products, and one-time services are often faced with a dilemma when it comes to subsequent sales. The happier the customer is with the product or service and the longer the product gets the job done then the more uncertain the next cross-selling or up-selling opportunity is. Such companies have a wealth of satisfied customers, but they often do not know when the right time is to interact with them with a view to further sales.

If you contact customers too frequently, you get on their nerves. But if you do not contact them enough, you might miss the moment when a customer is on the lookout for a new or additional product.

If you have a website visitor identification tool, you can see when your existing customer is again taking an interest in your product portfolio – by returning to your website – after an initial purchase. Armed with this information, the sales team can pinpoint the optimal moment for reaching out and follow up on the interest identified through the customer’s visit to the website.

3. Increase the efficiency of sales teams

Ideally, there’s a lot to do with sales teams. But a complete, large pipeline often ensures that a significant amount of time is expended on leads that eventually prove difficult to turn. If the sales staff already has a list of leads, the website user recognition tools will help prioritize these leads.

Anyone who explores the bottom-funnel pages on a company’s website is a hotter lead and should be given higher priority. By way of this boost in sales team productivity, the B2B website monitoring tool will give you a fast return on investment.

4. Fresh leads and ABM targets

What if you’re not worried about prioritizing your leads because you’re trying to fill your funnel? Website visitors make perfect, fresh prospects.

Your sales force is best served by contacting website users who are matched to your ideal customer and who have demonstrated the most interest in your brand first. Secure the finest potential new market prospects to ensure that they enter your sales funnel early.

You can also find accounts to become new targets for your Account-based marketing campaigns.

Businesses visiting your website have a curiosity about your company and a demand for what you’re offering. Finding these firms is supplying your team with outstanding potential business opportunities with prospects who can already see the value of your product.

So, for you or your team, this isn’t just another number to dial or a cold call, it’s the low-hanging fruit that you want to grab as soon as possible. However, you can only reach them if you have the company and contact data.

5. Business development

Tools that calculate the amount of traffic on your website provide you with anonymous data to show you which of your pages are especially popular and how people access your site.

However, they cannot inform you the extent to which your traffic actually involves business-relevant customers and what share of users on the website is “accidental” or unrelated to purchases (for example, students or job seekers).

Using a visitor Identification tool, not only do you see which areas your sales-relevant contacts find especially important, but you can also see if any patterns are emerging. This offers you new insights into areas such as research, market growth, and innovation management. You will also prepare promotions easier such as cross-selling and up-selling or trade-in deals.

6. Website optimization

Similarly, if you are planning a website on-page optimization or a relaunch, it is crucial to know how well the current version of the site works and where adjustments need to be made to maximize success.

With a visitor-centered – and therefore persona-centered – tracking tool, it is easier to learn whether potentially relevant companies find what they are looking for on their website journey and what topics they particularly engage with. As a result, you can ascertain which parts of a website need special attention, require updating most urgently, or should be made easier to find.

7. Find Opportunities for Partnerships

Current or potential service providers, vendors, and business partners may also be identified using visitor identification tools. This helps you to open new opportunities for reaching them for the new partnerships.

For instance, if you have a partners page on your site where visitors are landing, you can identify the businesses and reach them through email or over the phone. You can also understand their interest area by identifying the other pages of your website they visited.

8. Predict competitors’ behavior

Not only existing and potential clients, but also old and new rivals, hang out on your site. As soon as one of these competitors is on your website, you will collect insightful knowledge about your business climate. For example, is there unexpectedly significant or strong interest in your company? What particular products and areas are eyed by your competitors? Based on their action and interest, you might also guess whether a competitor is trying to go on the offensive and reposition itself or purposely attempt to imitate you.

These are just a few of the benefits of using a visitor identification tool for your business. Given that, choosing a tool that can give you the required data without taking too much effort is crucial.

So, how can you access visitors’ data in a few clicks?

Accessing Visitors’ Data With VisitorIntel

If you have a digital marketing team or a Search Engine Optimization expert, you are likely using Google Analytics. While Google Analytics is a must-have tool, the data it provides is limited to,

  • How many new and existing visitors are visiting your website.
  • Collective demographic data (age range, gender, location, etc.)

This information can help your marketing team monitor the effectiveness of their campaigns and website performance, but not the sales team.

In addition to the analytics, you need a tool that can help you to:

  • Get insight into which companies are visiting your website
  • Get firmographic and technographic data of the companies visiting your website
  • Get the data about the decision-maker from the respective companies
  • Increase sales opportunities to communicate with the buyer until they completely identify their needs.

The VisitorIntel tool helps you get all these insights in one place in just a few clicks. It enables sales and marketing teams to find and contact decision-makers in organizations that have recently visited your website and reduces your time to close a deal.

Going a step further, it helps you to immediately access industry-leading direct dials and mobile phone numbers for decision-makers and key influencers that work for companies that have visited your website, saving sales teams countless research hours.

It also helps the marketing team to create targeted campaigns by pushing decision-makers
at companies that have recently visited your website from the SalesIntel database into your CRM.

All you need to do is add a small piece of code to your website to track visits and triangulate the data to connect the web visitor to their corporate website.

Here’s how it works.

So now that you have plenty of reasons to add visitor identification to your sales and marketing efforts, it’s time to reach your potential buyers.