SalesIntel: A Comprehensive Data Warehouse

SalesIntel: A Comprehensive Data Warehouse

If you have been in sales and marketing for a while, you must have used Data Warehouse like at some point or at least considered using it. A product of Salesforce, it once was the most widely used B2B contact database but eventually ran into issues and was shut down. And here is the interesting thing – while almost every salesperson and marketer used at least once, few have nice things to say about it.

Then why are we even talking about a defunct B2B data provider that apparently few liked? Because in many ways, it laid the foundation for all the sales intelligence solutions we have today. It served both as a reflection of what customers want and what they don’t.

Its short-term, wild success shows businesses want a solution that can simply find the information they need. And then its eventual demise proves they don’t want to verify that information because of doubtful accuracy or having to use 5 different tools if they need 5 different kinds of data.

That’s why SalesIntel has worked to be your one-stop data resource.

Step into the Modern Data Warehouse: SalesIntel


Contact information is the fundamental block of any sales intelligence solution to the point that some customers refer to such platforms as contact data providers. But even contact data comes in many shapes and forms. There is the good-old email address, but isn’t a LinkedIn profile a piece of contact information too?

Then, of course, there are phone numbers. Traditionally, salespeople would dial HQ numbers and use their skills to get past gatekeepers to eventually connect with prospects. Then came switchboards which gave way to direct dials, and now we are in the age of mobile phones. And it makes perfect sense as mobile phones have a 7X connection rate compared to direct dials.

That said, different kinds of contact information have different utilities, and so SalesIntel covers the widest base possible to meet all use cases.

As you can see in the image above, SalesIntel provides 7 different points of contact for every prospect that include:

  • Work Email
  • Personal Email
  • Mobile Number
  • Direct Dial
  • Headquarter Number
  • Work Number
  • LinkedIn Profile

This ensures salespeople can connect with their prospects through different channels and quickly pivot if one fails to connect.

Also, each piece of the contact information SalesIntel provides is manually verified to ensure its accuracy. Our researchers actually call those numbers and send emails to verify that data, and we do it every 90 days to maintain our high level of accuracy.


Firmographic data is another basic element businesses use to build ideal customer profiles and identify target accounts. Check out this informative guide on firmographic data and its use cases to get a better understanding of it.

Most companies use basic firmographic data like company size, revenue, and industry to find the right fit accounts, but with detailed filters like zip codes, they can also be effectively used for territory management.


For businesses selling any kind of technology, technographic data is a must-have element in their targeting strategy. Since software works in tandem – integrating with some and incompatible with others, technographic data proves to be a determining factor in evaluating account fit.

For example, if you sell a data automation software that works only with Salesforce and not Zoho, it makes sense to exclude all the accounts from your target list with Zoho in their tech stack.

Read this technographic data guide to learn everything you need to know about it and leverage its true potential.


Intent data is a recent addition to the B2B data universe and is proving to be an instantly effective tool. Check out this marketing agency that 10X’d their customer engagements using intent data from SalesIntel.

Intent data is an accumulation of buying signals gathered from consumer behavior. If a company is constantly searching for data security solutions, it indicates buying intent, and thus reaching out to those businesses is likely to yield better results than cold lists.

If you haven’t used intent data before, we highly recommend you get this whitepaper to understand its full potential and use cases for your sales and marketing efforts.


This is among the latest techniques for targeted outreach, and it works similar to retargeting ads, but outreach can be highly personalized. Typically, the conversion rates of websites, even when optimized, hover in lower single digits. That means most people landing on a website leave without any action.

But the fact that they landed on your website indicates that they are somewhere in the buyer’s journey, and targeting the company can deliver great results. That’s what VisitorIntel is all about.

It helps you identify the companies visiting your website. You can then pull all their information, pick companies with the right fit and launch dedicated campaigns with decision-maker contact information for effective targeting. These campaigns are often far more effective than retargeting display ads and don’t require you to make any additional investments.

Overall, sales intelligence aims to provide the data and insights to help salespeople sell better. And this can be achieved only when they can rely on their information and don’t have to chase after missing pieces. That’s exactly what SalesIntel is all about. You log in and within minutes have your list of ideal prospects with their contact information. It can’t get easier than that.

Request a personalized demo to see how it all fits together.