How to Use Data To Engage and Re-engage with Prospects Throughout the Buyer’s Journey

How to Use Data To Engage and Re-engage with Prospects Throughout the Buyer’s Journey

In business, you deal with a lot of data – whether from your CRM, sales platform, or other sources. What if you were able to use that data to uncover your prospect’s next move? What are they going to buy? From whom? When? 

It is essential to leverage the data available to know when to engage or re-engage with your prospects throughout their buyer journey. 

Understanding the Buyer’s Journey

Every prospective customer is on a journey that hopefully ends with purchasing your product or service. Typically, the buyer’s journey can be broken down into three main steps: Awareness, Consideration, and Decision. Prospects become aware of a problem they face and then consider and evaluate their alternatives before deciding to invest in a solution. 

Awareness: At this stage, buyers are experiencing a pain point and becoming aware of the problem they are facing. They are looking for resources to identify, name or frame their problem. 

Consideration: Once buyers are in this stage, they have identified their problem but are now researching potential solutions. Buyers are concerned about all the alternatives available to them, and hopefully, your company is on their shortlist. 

Decision: In this final stage, the buyer has already identified their problem and possible solutions and is left with making a final choice. If you have made it past the consideration stage with your prospective buyer, now is the time to interact and seal the deal. 

Leverage Data to Engage Prospects

The success of your B2B sales efforts will likely depend on the data available to you and how you can utilize it. More than likely, there is already a plethora of data available in your CRM to fuel your pipeline success and meet your sales goals; you just need to know where to look. 

1. Make Intent Data Work For You

Buyer insights, behaviors, and behavioral signals are known as intent data and can prove to be invaluable information when it comes to engaging or even re-engaging your potential buyers. 

Intent data such as website visits, content consumption, and product reviews can remove the guesswork associated with marketing and sales campaigns. Analyzing intent data through tools such as SalesIntel can help your team prioritize leads, targeting prospects at the point in their journey that they are ready to buy.  

2. Utilize Technographic Data

Technographic data allows you to understand the technology stack used by businesses and their potential plan to purchase solutions in the future. A business’s technographic data consists of its current software, technology, and infrastructure, how these are used, and when they were acquired. 

By already possessing the knowledge of what is in your prospect’s tech stack, you free up more time to ask the right questions and engage with the right decision-makers. 

Technographic data insights also allow your sales or customer success teams to identify potential at-risk accounts. With this awareness, these teams can re-engage, proposing solutions that can guarantee their continued business. 

3. Develop Ideal Client Profiles

Chances are, you have many valuable existing clients. You can use the information you have about them to generate buyer personas, essentially an example of the typical person you are marketing to purchase your product. These personas can be further refined to create an Ideal Client Profile (ICP). 

An ICP encapsulates the characteristics of somebody who is most likely to listen to your marketing efforts or message, promote your brand, and, most importantly, remain a loyal investor in your product offering. 

To develop your ICP, you will need to examine and leverage the data available to you. After creating these personas, you can utilize tools to help you focus on accounts that are actively searching for topics related to your products or services. 

By identifying these prospects early on, you can equip your teams with key insights and resources, so they can provide accurate solutions and secure leads before they even consider your competitors.

4. Enrich Your Data 

If your data is not accurate or is decaying, it is nowhere near as valuable as it once was. Data enrichment refers to the process of enhancing pre-existing information by supplementing any incomplete data. Ensuring your data on your customers is up to date, accurate, and complete will allow you to stay ahead of the competition and make informed decisions on your marketing and sales efforts. 

By enriching the data in your CRM, older and potentially inaccurate information is refreshed, allowing you to engage with higher-quality leads. 

Perhaps your contact has a new role, updated phone number, or new email address. By enriching your data, you can save everyone’s time and effort. Your sales team will be able to reach out to the critical decision-makers by using the most up-to-date contact information available. No more wrong numbers when trying to follow up a year after an initial conversation.

Listen To and Learn From Your Prospects 

Always keep your ears open for what is being said by your potential customers. Are they experiencing a problem that you can help them identify and solve? Is your current solution providing you with the buyer insights and sales intelligence data you need to succeed?

SalesIntel’s comprehensive offerings will help you leverage the data at your disposal. Craft content that can lead to conversions, easily prioritize leads, and retain and upsell your existing customers.