How to Search with Company Keywords

How to Search with Company Keywords

Company Keywords allows SalesIntel users to accurately and efficiently surface the business focuses of their target accounts in much greater detail than traditional company industry tags provide. This new search filter will further enable sales and marketing teams to understand and target likely buyers of their products and services with pinpoint accuracy.

This data has been vetted through a two step process. First, our industry-leading data science team developed a proprietary algorithm that surfaces and triangulates more than 2 million keywords and business focuses for hundreds of thousands of companies. Then, our world class human research team vetted and verified the data and refined the 2 million terms into a list of 70,000  results of the most common and relevant keywords.

This list of 70,000 keywords is now available as a search field in the SalesIntel portal. To access this information, first go to the Company tab in the SalesIntel Portal. Then scroll down to the Keywords field under “Firmographics” and type in as many keywords as you’d like to search.

Company Keywords allows users to:

  • Segment Named Accounts and Territories to hone in on your ideal buyer persona with pinpoint precision
  • Create smarter, more targeted ABM messaging – your TAM is not created equal, some fits are tighter than others even within a single industry
  • Make warmer calls to decision makers with verified direct dials and mobile numbers, armed with a full understanding of a prospect’s business
  • More efficiently designate sales territories, enabling your teams to do what they do best: sell
  • Save countless research hours with access to the most direct dial and mobile phone numbers in each niche industry within the SalesIntel portal
  • Tier your release announcements and sales pitches to highlight the features in your products and services that speak most to a highly specialized audience – for instance: if you have a DevSecOps feature that is third in your ladder pitch, you can move it to the top rung for companies that focus on DevSecOps