4 B2B Video Marketing Strategies You Should Know in 2023 and Beyond

4 B2B Video Marketing Strategies You Should Know in 2023 and Beyond

Is your B2B company prepared for a video content-dominated world? Compared with direct mail and print combined, online video is a staggering 600% more effective as a marketing channel. Moreover, video streaming and downloads will account for an estimated 82% of the global internet traffic by 2022.

In 2020, approximately 86% of people want to watch more videos from brands. With all of these big numbers suggesting the significance of video content in tomorrow’s B2B marketing, you would want to perfect your B2B video marketing plan now.

Here are the top four ways to help you create high-engagement, high-ROI, and high-conversion videos for your B2B marketing.

Create Content that Tells How You Stand Out:

Differentiating your brand from your competitors is the key to your B2B marketing success, and one of the best ways to do it is by creating an engaging video. After all, images speak louder than words.

Producing a video that keeps your audience glued till the end is a great way to make your brand’s voice heard out there. You can highlight your USPs and add company statistics, social media performance figures, recommendations, testimonials, or anything that will impress viewers and make your brand noticeable.

Another way of making your brand stand out through B2B marketing videos is by keeping your targeted audience in focus and showing how your unique solutions can effectively solve their problems. Some businesses use immersive or 360-degree videos to give a new, exciting, and more realistic way to learn about their brand, solutions, or projects. Compared to traditional video forms, these videos can help to achieve higher ROI and have the ability to drive a 7% higher purchase intent.

Take a Data-first Approach:

Your B2B video marketing strategy is likely to yield better results if you favor a more segment-specific and refined targeting approach instead of a generic one. Data-driven personalization enables businesses to deliver  5-8X of the ROI on marketing spend.

Creating data-driven videos that use the right messages to target the right prospects could be key to improving conversion and engagement rates. But without accurate and reliable B2B data, you cannot accurately target your data-driven videos.

Using data intelligence tools like SalesIntel, you can fast-track your B2B data search and get access to technographic, firmographic, and other data insights to effortlessly connect with your targeted audience through your B2B marketing videos.

Using powerful data insights can make a significant difference in your B2B video marketing. You will be better positioned to target, segment, and identify the exact content required to reach prospects fitting your ICP. Data insights will simplify understanding your unique buyers and allow you to generate AI video content perfectly tailored to nurture them.

Personalize Your Videos at Scale:

Another benefit of using data-driven videos in your B2B marketing campaign is personalization. A personalized video helps to quickly attract the much-needed attention of prospects by directly addressing concerns in the specific audience’s life, industry, or role. Personalized videos can be used to enhance customer satisfaction, make prospect nurturing more personal, increasing landing page sign-ups, boost email conversions, and create more engagement with your audience.

Video is an important part of marketing strategy, according to nearly 92% of marketers using videos. Investing in a video personalization technology can be crucial to strengthening your B2B marketing. Video personalization platforms like Vidyard are a useful resource to create personalized marketing videos. You can customize to high-profile individual prospects or customers but also an entire vertical, industry, segment, or company.

You can also use such platforms to go beyond personalization and leverage interesting features, such as accessing and sending on-demand personalized videos directly from inbox, using analytics to track user interactions with your videos, inserting CTA and email capture form in your videos, and transferring viewer data to your marketing automation system.

Connect Your CTA to the Story in Your Video:

This is where most B2B marketing videos fail. A bad CTA and, even worse, bad placement of the CTA can ruin your entire B2B marketing video. Most viewers know your video is a promotional one. However, a well-executed ‘mid-roll’ CTA can still push viewers to hit the Subscribe button, Sign Up option, or Buy Now link after watching your B2B marketing video. The mid-roll’s almost 17% average conversion rate is the highest among pre-roll and post-roll CTAs.

The type of CTA you use is also important to the performance of your B2B marketing video. While most businesses use text for their CTA, an image CTA could be the better option if you are looking for a higher conversion rate. A text CTA is easy to put up in your video and therefore widely used by businesses. An image CTA, on the other hand, may take up more of your B2B marketing time but the result is better. Its effect can be maximized with the use of specific branding, logos, and brand colors. Some businesses also use a combination of text and image CTAs. Everyone likes to press a button.

How to Send Personalized Videos at Scale B2B

To send personalized videos at scale in B2B, start by defining your target audience and creating a script that addresses their needs and pain points. Use a video platform that allows for personalization and integrates with your CRM system. Prioritize video distribution tactics that provide the highest engagement, such as email marketing and social media. Regularly analyze data to optimize performance.

Before You Leave

Before you start creating your B2B marketing video, there are three things you should know.

Don’t Rely Too Much on Free Stuff:

Free video hosting platforms may limit your control over the context in which the audience will engage with your video. You might also not have full control over your video’s presentation. Since this could affect your video’s performance and B2B video marketing strategy, it’s better to opt for professional video platforms. Such platforms offer more than just video creation and hosting—CRM/MAP integration, customizable video CTAs, custom branding, single sign-on, playback restrictions, video analytics, video optimization, video sharing, etc.

Short-form Videos Could be the Future:

Short videos can help you quickly connect with your intended audience, especially when they haven’t heard about your brand. They help increase brand awareness, are digestible and ideal for social media, and could be easily repurposed for other marketing materials such as ads.

Choose the Right Distribution Channel:

Video distribution is equally important as video creation in B2B video marketing. The purpose of your B2B video marketing will play a dominating role in selecting the distribution channels for your videos. About 67% of B2B sales and marketing leaders say building brand awareness is their main purpose of creating video content.

Understanding your buyer personas and the business outcomes you want to achieve is crucial to truly benefit from B2B video marketing. It’s also important to choose the right platform to share your videos.

Lastly, know that your decision to use videos in your B2B marketing will yield positive results. After all, it’s always rewarding to connect with your prospects in their preferred content format. On that note, here’s a final statistic you ought to know—approximately 66% of consumers give preference to watching a video over reading about a product. Feel confident enough about video now?

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