Sales Efficiency Enhancement with Sales Operations Optimization + Sales Intelligence

Sales Efficiency Enhancement with Sales Operations Optimization + Sales Intelligence

Your modern sales team needs the combined power of sales operation solutions and sales intelligence tools to operate at the best efficiency level possible. Get ready to empower your sales reps and SDRs to hit that ambitious revenue target while generating higher ROI with Ambition and SalesIntel.

Top 2 Challenges that Restrict Sales Team Efficiency
· Inability to manage sales operations on a single platform to increase visibility
· Data decay and lack of access to top-quality B2B contact and company data

Challenge #1

Did you know? High-growth sales development teams have at least 5 applications on average in their tech stack. Compared to underperforming sales teams, high-performing teams use nearly 3X more sales tech.

Sales leaders deal with vast amounts and different kinds of sales performance data that need to be measured and analyzed to effectively coach, manage, and motivate their sales team. Since today’s sales teams are equipped with a full stack of sales technologies, the data is generated from several platforms. This makes the coaching, management, behavior change, recognition, and accountability tasks of the sales leader even more intricate, difficult, and time-consuming as they constantly have to jump between different applications.

The Solution

What if you’re given ONE platform to handle ALL of your sales operation and goal management activities? With Ambition’s all-in-one platform, you can easily scale your sales team efficiency as you take your sales operations to the next level. Imagine your sales coaching, gamification, reporting, and metrics all managed in one place. Having a single home for everything makes the job of your sales leader easier while improving your sales team’s efficiency.

Challenge #2

Did you know each year, customer data decays at a rate of 30% and contact data at 70%? Sales reps waste around 27% of their time due to inaccurate data. Consider all those calls and messages to wrong numbers and people who have since switched jobs.

Decayed data in your CRM eats up your sales team’s valuable time and hampers their productivity. Without accurate B2B data, you’re likely to fail to create an ICP (ideal customer profile) and incorrectly qualify leads. Even lead generation becomes a challenge if you don’t use updated and trustworthy B2B data. Inaccurate data hurts your bottom line as you’ll not be able to make the most of your sales campaigns and waste time targeting the wrong audience.

The Solution

It’s indispensable to feed your sales team the B2B contact and company data they need to reach the right prospects and close more deals. SalesIntel offers 5+ million human-verified contacts that are 95% accurate and reverified every 90 days, so you don’t worry about bad data ruining your sales team’s efficiency. SalesIntel’s accurate firmographic and technographic data can also be a game-changer, especially when you’re searching for companies within your target audience.

Two of the Biggest Levers You Can Pull to Eliminate Sales Efficiency Problems

Sales coaching and gamification and higher-quality data are vital to increasing your sales efficiency. Let’s see how.

Sales Coaching and Gamification

Sales reps that get a minimum of 2 hours of sales coaching per week have a win rate of 56%. On the other hand, 60% of sales reps are more likely to leave their job if their manager is a poor coach.

Whether you’re a small or large enterprise, Ambition’s all-in-one sales coaching software takes the burden of increasing sales efficiency off of your shoulder while keeping your sales leaders and reps motivated. It allows you to do more than just arranging 1:1s. Create daily sales activity scorecards and monthly objectives, shared and private notes, and sales action plans, rate employee performance, use coaching attribution metrics, and integrate conversation intelligence tools—all automatically.

Companies using gamification reach up to a 7X higher conversion rate. And, 89% of employees say a gamified task at work makes them more competitive.

Sales gamification is a proven hack to reach your quotas, boost productivity, improve team bonding and morale, and enhance performance visibility. It keeps your sales team motivated and adds elements of inspiration, friendly competition, and fun to work with. The Ambition sales gamification software, which improved Genworth’s sales activity by 70%, helps create interesting sales contests like fantasy football to drive sales efficiency.

You can sync Ambition to Salesforce or any CRM, create SPIFFs, digital clubs, awards, and celebration alerts, and display live performance data and recognitions on sales TVs to leverage gamification.

Higher-quality B2B Data

Relatient, a fully cloud-based patient engagement platform, reduced prospecting time by 25% after using SalesIntel’s higher-quality B2B data. Also, note that data insights-driven businesses are growing at 30% on average every year. They are predicted to take $1.8 trillion annually from their less-informed industry competitors by 2021.

B2B data is a crucial asset in any sales process. It enables your sales team to gain insights into targeted prospects and customers, personalize sales messages, segment the intended audience, and easily reach out to decision-makers. While all of these advantages significantly contribute to increasing your sales team efficiency, it’s essential to ensure your B2B data is clean and relevant.

With SalesIntel’s accurate B2B database and data enrichment solution, you can fill the high-quality data gap that’s slowing down your sales efficiency. Get access to the most direct dials in the industry with 48+ million mobile numbers along with intent, psychographic, and other types of B2B data. Integrate SalesIntel with your CRM or marketing automation platform to use your data anywhere, get research-on-demand requests returned within 2-48 hours, and use affordable sales intelligence tools to sell better and faster.