5 Best Ways to Generate Leads for Your Consulting Business

As a consultant, new, fresh leads are the lifeblood of your business. Without them, you will soon run out of services you can sell to your existing clients. You need to ensure there is always an influx of new leads pouring into your business daily.

Most business consulting services companies rely on cold calling or email blasts to fill their pipeline. However, cold calling or blasting emails to a list of random companies or decision-makers are unreliable ways of generating leads for your consulting services. You don’t have to approach every single person that comes along.

If you want to increase your list of potential customers you need to think of your lead generation funnel. You have to make sure that there is always a stream of qualified new leads coming into your lead generation funnel daily.

While there are many ways to generate leads for business consulting services, we have picked the 10 best lead generation techniques for your business.

1. Ranking Your Website.

You’ve likely invested time and money in building a website designed to convey your value proposition and convert visitors into leads.. However, if your site does not rank for Google’s search results when keywords relevant to your offerings are searched, your site is virtually as ineffective as not having one. This lack of website traffic will ultimately impact your lead generation.

The best way to generate targeted leads is to strategically focus on ranking for specific keywords. Begin by trying to find highly specific keywords to you and your offering that strike the right balance between the number of search queries and the level of competition for those keywords.. A great place to start is to try and rank for local location-based keywords. These will be more specific to you so easier to rank for and generally more qualified traffic.

For instance, if you are offering digital marketing services specifically for businesses in New York and ranking in the top three or five on the search engine for “digital marketing consultant in New York”, you are going to start generating qualified leads for your business.

2. Get to Know your Decision Makers

To take a specific approach and encourage the prospects to convert into qualified leads, there are a number of details you’ll need to figure out. The simplest way to do this is to identify the decision-makers and try to understand their needs. It seems simple, but it is always good to start by first speaking to the decision-makers to ensure that you are not selling to someone who isn’t in the position to purchase as well as make sure you understand their common pain points.

Use the following questions to guide a conversation with the decision-makers.

  • What is their existing situation? What do they feel like they are missing or what are their existing weaknesses?
  • What do they want out of a solution?
  • How can you help them get to where they want to be?

By asking a series of qualifying questions you will know immediately if you can meet the needs of the client or not. If your offerings are not compatible with what they are searching for, then move on to the next prospect.

SalesIntel helps you identify and reach millions of decision-makers across multiple industries. You can use firmographic and technographic filters to identify your ideal prospects and tailor your outreach. This way, you can qualify your accounts as ideal prospects and start approaching the decision-makers with a strong understanding of their business needs.

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3. Content

Establish yourself as an authority in your space by sharing content that speaks to the problems your ideal client is likely to face. Your website should have a blog where you regularly post useful content that helps people genuinely in some aspect of their business. You will get a few calls as they recognize your expertise and how much awesome content you’re willing to give away for free.

Search engine optimized blogs can be strong lead generators. If you have a sufficiently large amount of search engine traffic, you will get great conversions. By creating a regular blog publishing schedule, you can drive search engine traffic while creating high-quality content that others share and optimize your website for search.

If you share information that helps your ideal client or audience solve a problem you’re able to start building trust with an engaged audience. Beyond organic traffic and lead generation, your content can also serve double duty as sales collateral that you can share with prospects as you are nurturing them to a closed contract.

4. Take a Unique LinkedIn Approach

It is only becoming more useful and even feasible to use LinkedIn for reaching an audience and converting them into leads and prospects.

Staying active on LinkedIn requires a plan in which you decide what to do, when, and how. As a consultant, your searches can be very specific or expansive, so use that to your advantage. However, finding the decision-maker(s) from LinkedIn’s huge data set can be tough. Additionally, unless you have a strong profile or a premium account, it is hard to connect with your decision-makers. Then, how can you reach them or get their contact details?

Here’s a trick to export LinkedIn contacts; even the ones you don’t know.

RevDriver, SalesIntel’s free chrome extension allows you to export ANY LinkedIn contact. Prepare a list of your ideal prospects, visit their profiles, and click on the RevDriver chrome extension. You will get their contact details (including business email Id and work mobile number), company technographic, and firmographic data.

5. Webinars

Webinars are useful for networking to build and cementing your business relationships. For example, if you have a prospective client who is part of a group in which you participate, engage by asking and answering questions, sharing ideas, tips, insights, and inspirations or offering your services as help.

After some time engaging with your audience, you can build your relationship further by offering them something free, such as an e-book or webinar in exchange for their phone number and email address.

You can then follow up with a call, or you can continue to send them similar high-quality content before they contact you back. Another example would be speaking at webinars for media or vendor companies. One of the best features of webinars is that while connecting with potential customers, you can gain visibility, build trust, and offer your value proposition.

Wrapping Up

Whether you are a small business or a large agency, you’ll need to actively generate leads to grow.

SalesIntel provides the comprehensive B2B data with the highest coverage of work mobile numbers you need to reach and stay top of mind with your prospective clients. Providing excellent services, attracting, retaining and cultivating current and future customers, making yourself accessible through social networking, webinars, and surveys, and sharing relevant and insightful online content are the best ways to ensure your pipeline is never dry.