Building a global sales pipeline?

We can help. Contact us to learn more.

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Trusted contact and company data for fourteen countries.

More geographic areas are being added regularly!

Advanced Search Filters

Search contact and company records from our 95% accurate human-verified database using technographic, firmographic, location, and more.


Export accurate data directly to leading CRMs including Salesforce, Hubspot, Marketo and more. Build prospect lists and export contacts directly to your CRM or email marketing system.

International company and contact data

Find target buyers from over 7.2 million contacts at over 1 million companies in 14 countries around the world including Canada, UK, Germany, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Australia, Singapore, and more.

Research on Demand

Request human-verified emails and phone numbers from our team of 1,900 on-demand researchers or request custom contact lists to get the exact contacts you need.

Real-time Prospecting

Instantly find contact information on LinkedIn or on your target company’s website with RevDriver, SalesIntel’s free Chrome extension.

Data Enrichment

Automatically enrich your contact database with scheduled enrichment or apply filters to surface missing data points manually so you always have accurate B2B contact and company data.

Ready to expand to new markets with SalesIntel?