Webinar Marketing Statistics and Tips for B2B Companies [Infographic]

Webinar Marketing Statistics and Tips for B2B Companies  [Infographic]

Webinar marketing is a modern and effective way to promote and share products and services while connecting with a wide target audience. Webinars also help educate and entertain audiences, enhance brand awareness, and generate leads. B2B companies leverage webinars to warm up leads faster, push conversions, and increase pipeline and revenue. SalesIntel generated $5.5 million in pipeline with just webinars in a year.

Webinars have a high viewer attention retention rate of 40%, which helps B2B companies efficiently persuade viewers. Furthermore, it enables B2B companies to convince viewers that they have a solution to their problem.

If you want to create a successful and high-ROI webinar, there are a few things you need to keep in mind:

  • Encourage your webinar attendees to interact with you, ask questions, and share their thoughts. You want to keep the webinar from turning into a monologue and make it engaging.
  • Record your webinar and share it on your website, YouTube channel, and social media. This will help repurpose webinar content, support your content marketing strategy, target registrants that did not attend, and show audiences what they’re missing by not registering for the next one.
  • Avoid stretching your webinar over an hour. You don’t want to lose viewer attention and audience engagement by creating longer webinars. Limit it an hour and include 15 minutes of Q&A at the end.
  • Make sure to optimize your webinar for mobile devices like smartphones. Not all attendees want to watch webinars on a computer, especially when they’re in the comfort of their home. Further, over 75% of all videos watched are on mobile devices.
  • Choose the right time to schedule your webinar. 11 am, 1 pm, and 2 pm are the best hours for webinars to attract most registrants.
  • Use different promotional channels for your webinar, and be sure to promote early to gather more attendees. Your webinar promotional content should create excitement in your audience, inform what value the webinar will offer, and what to expect from the webinar.

More about webinar marketing and how B2B companies can use it to their advantage is presented below.