Cold Calling Statistics and Tips [Infographic]

Cold Calling Statistics and Tips [Infographic]

No wonder though, why salespeople are now scrambling to discover several different ways of reaching potential clients, from email to inbound marketing, and social networking.

But the cold call is not dead.

What people are opposing is the conventional approach to cold calling that has taken place. If done properly, cold calling is an easy and motivating way for companies to attract potential clients. In fact, of all the total interaction during the sales process, 92% takes place on the call.

Having a successful cold call is tricky because of the number of potential answers from your viewpoint. Many times, the receiver would just hang up; in the worse case situation, you might even get verbal assault. An effective cold call doesn’t have to be a long discussion call. The average duration of a successful cold call is 5.50 minutes.

So, how can you improve the effectiveness of your cold calls? What changes do you need to make to end up a call on a positive note?

Cold calling has changed. Cold calls are now often made as a part of outbound sequences versus a standalone task. Cold calling from a remote or work from home setting has become the new normal. Most importantly, cold callers prefer using work mobile numbers to reach the decision-makers than the extensions and switchboards.

However, given all the optimizations and preparations you make in your cold calling approach, data is at the center-point. Bad contact and company data directly impacts the bottom line of 88% of B2B companies.

While the above statistics are just a small snippet of how effective cold calling is, check out the following infographic to learn how you can warm up cold calls and increase sales productivity!

Smart Cold Caller