Cold Calling Isn’t Dead: The Best Tips & Techniques to Quickly Close Sales

Cold Calling Isn’t Dead: The Best Tips & Techniques to Quickly Close Sales

If you think cold calling is dead, at the end of this eBook, you might give it a second thought as you realize that ‘cold’ may be dead but not the calling.

The hot topic in sales lately is that cold calling is DEAD. You must be breathing a sigh of relief. Here you are, new to sales and you’re being told that cold calling is no longer required. That’s a good thing for you, the phone scared you anyway. The biggest fear you had was someone picking up. What would you say? Would you hang up? Would you freeze on the spot? Fear drove you to believe the biggest lie in sales today – that cold calling is dead.

Yet, cold calling can be an invaluable channel for both individual salespeople and larger companies. There is nothing that is going to help you produce better results right now than improving your ability to prospect and build a solid pipeline of opportunities.

If you think cold calling is dead, at the end of this eBook, you might give it a second thought as you realize that ‘cold’ may be dead but not the calling.