Data-Driven Results: How Solix Technologies Optimized Sales and Marketing with SalesIntel

Solix Technologies Case Study

About Solix Technologies

Solix Technologies is a global leader in enterprise data management solutions, specializing in Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) and Data Archiving. With a strong focus on helping organizations manage, secure, and analyze their data, Solix has built a reputation for providing robust, scalable solutions that meet the needs of large enterprises. Their ideal customers include organizations in highly regulated industries such as finance, healthcare, and government, where data security and compliance are paramount.

The Challenge

Before transitioning to SalesIntel, Solix Technologies faced several challenges that hindered their sales and marketing effectiveness. Although they previously used platforms like ZoomInfo and DiscoverOrg, the contact data often proved unreliable, resulting in outdated information and missed connections. Solix also recognized the need for more robust intent data to better identify and prioritize leads who were actively searching for solutions. However, the limited intent data available through their previous tools made this difficult. Additionally, licensing restrictions on the number of contacts they could access created obstacles for their global teams, making it harder to fully capitalize on opportunities. These challenges underscored the need for a more comprehensive solution, which they ultimately found in SalesIntel.

The Solution

SalesIntel helped Solix Technologies overcome key challenges by providing a solution that dramatically improved the accuracy and relevance of their sales and marketing efforts. With access to more reliable contact data, Solix could focus on valid leads, saving time and resources. The integration of intent data allowed them to identify and engage prospects actively seeking their services, ensuring their outreach was more effective and targeted. Additionally, flexible licensing enabled Solix to scale their prospecting without limitations, empowering their team to work more efficiently.

By identifying anonymous website visitors with VisitorIntel and refining their lead lists with the SalesIntel platform, Solix launched more targeted and successful marketing campaigns. The streamlined prospecting process also allowed them to connect directly with key decision-makers, leading to quicker and more successful deal closures.

The Outcome

“The intent data is probably the single best thing that SalesIntel has done for the business. It saves a lot of time on prospecting. When you’ve got quality contact data and intent data, you’re saving yourself a lot of time too.” — David Zuccolotto

Solix Technologies Case Study

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The implementation of SalesIntel led to significant improvements across Solix Cloud’s sales and marketing operations:

  • Increased Lead Generation

David reported generating an average of five new leads per week using SalesIntel, even with limited prospecting time. Using intent data and accurate contact information proved crucial to this success.

  • Improved Efficiency

The quality of contact data saved the inside sales reps considerable time by reducing the number of invalid leads they had to filter through. This improvement extended to LinkedIn prospecting and email campaigns, enhancing the overall efficiency of their outreach efforts.

  • Positive Organizational Impact

The success of SalesIntel’s implementation prompted Solix’s VP of Sales to encourage other teams to replicate the strategies that had been effective in David’s territory. The marketing team, in particular, benefited from the unlimited licensing, which allowed them to operate without constraints.

  • Enhanced Customer Support

SalesIntel’s customer support was highlighted as a major advantage. Its quick responses and ongoing support far surpassed previous experiences with other platforms.