How Companies Like ImpacSys, Magenic, and Inspirata are using SalesIntel to Create More Opportunities while Lowering Costs

How Companies Like ImpacSys, Magenic, and Inspirata are using SalesIntel to Create More Opportunities while Lowering Costs

Though B2B data and insights have become an integral component of the sales and marketing stack for businesses of all scales and industries, for some reason, it remains the least talked about piece. In our own experience, when we reach out to a prospect, they are in one of the two categories – they’re either unknowledgeable about the value of having a data partner or they already have a data partner but are oblivious to its shortfalls and continue to roll over their subscription without any thought.

Then there is the notion that data is useful only for businesses in specific sectors. We work in a very niche market or The data in our industry is very tough to get are some of the common responses we receive when explaining the value of having the right data. To that regard, SalesIntel has clients from virtually all industries who have strengthened their pipeline, boosted their outreach, and created more opportunities by using our industry-leading data.

Some companies indeed work in such niche markets that no data vendor has the data they need. This is why we have a research-on-demand service where our customers can simply ask for the data they need and we go find them, typically within hours. As one of our clients, SupportLogic put it, “We can now just send the target list of companies and support titles, and we get all the contact details we need.” As for the industries, here’s a quick rundown:

IT Products & Services:

SupportLogic is a California-based technology company that builds the custom machine, learning models. They were looking for a very specific set of companies and the roles they target aren’t as uniform or prominent across industries. That is why SalesIntel’s Research-on-demand is an asset to their organization. In one of their initial requests, SalesIntel provided them with a list of 115 companies of which we matched 95% and provided 379 contacts into them.

“You are almost a part of our team or at least an independent contractor. That’s invaluable,” said Vladislav Semenov, Senior Account Executive.

SaaS Products:

eBuilder is a SaaS platform for the construction industry that were looking to build a new marketing database but given they had precise target accounts, the requisite data was tough to find and the data quality from their previous vendor was too poor to be effective.

They signed up for SalesIntel, got the data they needed, and quickly built their new marketing engine to improve the scale and effectiveness of their outreach.

“About 25% of the emails we put in [from other sources] would bounce. From SalesIntel, so far, it’s been 97% delivery success rate,” said Laura Bailey, Marketing Data Analyst at e-Builder


41 Orange is a marketing agency that had trouble finding the data they needed and had to spend considerable time researching and cleaning data to find prospects. With SalesIntel, they leverage our research team and save around 8 hours per campaign which when added up, saves them the cost equivalent to a full-time employee.

“It’s not just data. It’s data as a service (DaaS). That’s what other data companies are missing.” said 41 Orange’s CEO, Gregg Anderson.


ImpacSys is a core engineering company that wanted a clear path to the decision-makers of their target accounts. With SalesIntel, they can now simply pick a company, find the decision-makers and get in touch. With accurate and reliable data, not only has their process improved but has also helped create over $300K worth of opportunities in the pipeline per rep in just 3 months!

“I was able to get a really high-level meeting with the chief digital officer of a very high-value target just through using company drill-down,” said Patrick Gunnels, Account Executive at Impac Systems.


Ready Education is an EdTech enterprise that caters to over 350 universities and 2 million students. They were struggling with poor leads and low conversion rates so they wanted to make their outreach more targeted and effective. After they signed up for SalesIntel, they got access to a wealth of relevant and accurate information that was quality reelected in their outreach efforts that saw an immediate jump of 47% in response rates. They are now getting many more qualified leads, setting up more meetings, and creating more opportunities.

“One of the best things about working with SalesIntel is their data quality supplemented by exceedingly good customer service.”, said, Stephan Meyer, Senior VP of Sales, Ready Education.


Rockhammer Talent Solutions is an IT staffing firm that was facing numerous bottlenecks in discovering new accounts as they needed specific information like location, company size, etc. that many data vendors don’t provide. Now that they have the data they need, they have been able to quickly and effectively scale their outreach and are even able to target smaller companies whose data is tough to find otherwise.

“If we do research and reach out, and it fails, we’ll have a hard time going back in. With you, we can be sure the data is correct and we can better plan things out,” explained David Yonenson, Managing Partner at Rockhammer.

Health Care:

Inspirata is a cutting-edge health technology provider that wanted to build a more comprehensive database but their data vendor was just too expensive to be feasible. With their SalesIntel subscription, they got access to a large and reliable database and thus were able to build the database they wanted.

“We had a huge amount of credits to export which was a big deal because we were looking to grow our database,” said Stephanie Hannigan, Marketing Specialist at Inspirata.

Discovering the Right Data Partner

As briefly discussed above, all the clients we serve fall into one of the two categories – first, those who have subscribed to a data platform for the first time, and second, those who have switched to SalesIntel from any other data vendor.

Companies like RedMonocle, ReadyEducation, among others belong to the first category and have come to realize the immense value data brings to their sales and marketing efforts. Their outreach programs are now much more effective which in turn generates more opportunities.

“If I didn’t have SalesIntel, my path to sales would be much slower.” – RedMonocle

“SalesIntel has been a very useful and promising tool for our sales and marketing efforts that I am confident will significantly contribute to our ROI in the coming quarters.” – Ready Education

On the other hand, companies like Magenic, Inspirata, Rockhammer, among others belong to the latter category who had earlier subscribed to other popular data platforms but switched to SalesIntel for more value.

“We get solid, accurate data from SalesIntel at a fraction of the cost we were paying before.” – Magenic

“I rarely use the other data platform because we have such a small amount of credits for such a huge cost. I practically use SalesIntel for everything.” – Inspirata

“We didn’t find the value for what the cost was [at our previous data vendor]. We were paying for a lot of stuff that we’d never need to use”. – Rockhammer

Customer Service

Beyond data quality and more value, there is another consistent theme that all our clients mention and appreciate – our customer service and seamless onboarding.

“Even getting in touch with people at the other data platform is a nightmare. I had a simple question and it took them almost 2 weeks to get back to me. I emailed SalesIntel at 6 PM and got an immediate response.” – Inspirata

“The best thing about SalesIntel is its people and customer service.” – Rockhammer

“The onboarding process was excellent. It was informative and after 2-3 training sessions for the team, they were up and running.” – Magenic

One closing remark, every company that’s ever signed up for SalesIntel – whether they were using data for the first time or had other data partners, has seen significant improvements in their sales and marketing outreach owing to our coverage and the quality of SalesIntel’s data.

It doesn’t matter which industry you serve or which data partner you have, signing for SalesIntel is guaranteed to generate more opportunities and save money on your existing contract.