Webinar Event Follow-Up Tips Guaranteed to Boost Business Growth

Webinar Event Follow-Up Tips Guaranteed to Boost Business Growth

A successful webinar is more than just organizing a great one. Strive to host a virtual event that is truly memorable by planning in advance and evaluating the best methods to connect with your guests. You could put in a lot of effort before it’s held, and while it’s on, but what happens immediately after the actual webinar is over has a critical role to play on your business growth.

Webinar Event Follow-Up Tips Guaranteed to Boost Business Growth


In this article, we’ll cover the post-webinar things you need to do to make a positive impact on your business growth. There’s an art and skill to doing webinar follow-ups like a pro, and this article will teach you how to do it!

#1: Let Your Audience Know You’ll Be Following Up

The first step to doing a webinar follow-up well is to let people know you’ll be following up with them after the webinar is over. The best time to do this is within the last minute of wrapping up your webinar, so people leave with the expectation that you will contact them. This sets clear expectations in their minds and lets you take the lead on the follow-up.

Give audience members a date and time range on when they can expect to be contacted by you. This holds you accountable for doing the post-webinar work and also demonstrates a sense of post-webinar professionalism to your audience members. They need to feel like you care, and your webinar isn’t just another sales tactic.

You should also let your audience what your follow-up will be about. Make it sound like a courtesy call, a way to provide better service, and a medium to connect better with your leads. Making a pushy sales call post the webinar could be disastrous to your reputation, especially if you’re in the early stages of building a relationship with your leads.

You must also include your contact details in the finishing slide of your webinar and leave the slide on for at least 30 seconds, so the audience has a chance to make a note of it. The best kind of follow-up, of course, is when participants contact you themselves.

#2: Personalize Your Follow Up Via A Phone Call Or Email

Depending on the type of webinar, industry, or business you’re in, you should try to personalize your follow-ups as much as possible. When we say ‘as much as possible, we mean that you should strike a balance between what’s cost-effective for you, and user-friendly for your leads.

Webinar Event Follow-Up Tips Guaranteed to Boost Business Growth


You can personalize your webinar follow-ups through a direct phone call to your leads. Do some groundwork on the leads you call beforehand to show them you’re interested in them. Make sure you greet your lead by their first name when you call them, and start off by getting to know them on a deeper level to establish how they’re a perfect fit for your offer.

You could also write a detailed personalized email to your prospect post the webinar, with all the information your prospect needs to take the next step in the buying process. Making your prospect feel empowered and self-driven in the buying process shows you allow your customer’s full freedom over their final purchase decision, which they’ll respect you for.

More importantly, make sure you answer any questions your prospect may have asked you during the webinar. You can bring up their questions in your phone call so it’s super personal, and shows how much you care about their awareness.

#3: Follow Up Social Media To Connect With Your Audience

Once you’ve done the webinar, it’s time to publish it on social media. Use all of your social media profiles to let your audience, and other social fans know that you’re done with the webinar, giving them the opportunity to reach out with any questions or concerns.


Social media allows you to connect with the folks who may not have attended the webinar. The best way to utilize social media for post-webinar follow-up work is by publishing the recorded webinar so everyone can watch it at their own pace. For this reason, it’s recommended that you always record your webinars!

Encourage people to share the link to the recorded version of your webinar so it’s always available for people to watch. While attending a live webinar has the benefit of the facilitator being there to answer any questions, recorded webinars can be great for time-poor prospects.

#4. Share Additional Free Material To Enhance Understanding Of The Webinar

Once the webinar is over, you can send additional free content in the form of eBooks via email to enhance your participants’ understanding of the webinar. For this reason, it’s recommended you have these free content assets prepared beforehand, so you can send them right after the event is over. Timing is key!

Make sure the material or content you provide to your audience is relevant to webinar content. Your audience could use the content to present it to their stakeholders if the call to action needs to be jointly taken. So keep in mind that your content should have a universal appeal, should be easy to understand, and cover all the content of your webinar from scratch.

#5: Have A Q&A Session

You can organize a Q&A session after the webinar if your audience participants haven’t already had the chance to ask all of their questions. This should be scheduled about a week or two after the webinar has been held, so it becomes the perfect opportunity to rebuild the spark you would’ve created with your audience, in your webinar.


Having this Q&A session via Slack, Google Hangout, Skype or another online communication tool is perfect as it gives you the opportunity to connect with your audience remotely, no matter where they’re located on the planet!

Do your webinars well, but do the follow-ups better so your audience with a positive impression of you. Follow the steps above, with a touch of creativity, and you’ll definitely win the confidence of your prospects to go further down the conversion funnel.

About the Author

Ryan Gould, Vice President of Strategy and Marketing Services

Elevation Marketing.

From legacy Fortune 100 institutions to inventive start-ups, Ryan brings extensive experience with a wide range of B2B clients. He skillfully architects and manages the delivery of integrated marketing programs, and believes strongly in strategy, not just tactics, that effectively aligns sales and marketing teams within organizations

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rygould/