Search with Firmographic Data: Location, Industry, Employee Size & Annual Revenue

Search with Firmographic Data: Location, Industry, Employee Size & Annual Revenue

Knowing a company’s firmographic data is key information for any ABM strategy! With SalesIntel you can easily create a comprehensive list of target accounts using firmographic data points such as Exact Location, Industry, Revenue and Employee Size.

When you open the SalesIntel portal, you’ll see the firmographic search filters under Contact and company tabs. The Location filter, allows you to search for target accounts or contacts by state, zip code, and metro area. You’re also given the option to search by office type. We even include international data for Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom.

The Industry filter lets you quickly search through primary industry categories and subcategories such as ‘Educational Services’ and ‘Junior Colleges’, Colleges, Universities and more. You can also look up industries by their NAICS or SIC codes.

The Revenue filter lets you set the minimum and/or maximum amount of revenue for contacts or companies you’re searching. This is a great way to narrow your search to your ideal customers’ revenue range.

Similar to the revenue filter, the Employee filter allows you to set the minimum and/or maximum number of employees at your target accounts.

So let’s bring it all together and say you’re looking for ….

  • companies in DC Metro Area
  • That are in the healthcare industry
  • with an annual revenue of one billion dollars,
  • more than 1,000 employees.

Simply enter in your search criteria and SalesIntel will show you the companies that fit those parameters. Keep in mind, if you combine the firmographics filters with others like intent data and technographic data you’ll find the exact leads you need to target.

On the rare chance you can’t find who you’re looking for, reach out to our sales team at and ask about our Research on Demand service. They’re here to help you find who you need so you have the most accurate data for your sales and marketing teams.