How to Enrich Your Salesforce Database

How to Enrich Your Salesforce Database

Your Salesforce database is your system of record, containing the most important data you have about who your customers are, who your prospects are, what your pipeline looks like, and so forth.

Salesforce is a powerful CRM. But at the end of the day, it’s only as powerful as the data you put inside of it. If your CRM contains bad information or is missing information about your accounts and contacts, then it is holding back your business from reaching its full potential.

At a minimum, your Salesforce CRM should contain key demographic information about each lead, contact, and account. Here’s a rundown of data you may want to have about each in your CRM:

Data Your CRM Needs

The more of these data points you have in your CRM, the better your chances of correctly identifying potential good-fit customers. 

In order to enrich your Salesforce database, here are the steps to follow.

Salesforce Integration with SalesIntel

Step 1. Identify Target Prospects

You may not need all of the data inside your CRM enriched. 

Try to focus instead on the contacts and accounts that matter. 

These include: 

  • Current and lost customers
  • Current and lost opportunities
  • Current pipeline
  • People and companies you eventually want to sell into.

Once you have identified who these people are within your database, you should work to excise the people who are not in those target groups from your database.

Why excise these extra people? Because they can confuse or distract your sales reps. You need a Salesforce database where every single person is there for a reason. 

The only people you should consider leaving in your Salesforce database who are beyond the scope of your target ICP are non-customers who could serve as potential evangelists for your brand.

Step 2. Enrich Your Database

You can use SalesIntel to search our database right inside of your Salesforce CRM. 

From there, you can spot contacts and companies in your database that SalesIntel has full information about. SalesIntel will then update incorrect or missing information from pre-existing Salesforce records.

In other words, if you only have their email and name in your database, SalesIntel can enrich additional data points about that person just like that. 

You can also map leads, contacts, and account settings for users, then export contacts using SalesIntel’s quick add feature.

In addition, you can export contact information as lead and contact records using SalesIntel’s bulk upload feature.

Another great aspect of SalesIntel is that you don’t need to worry about duplicates. SalesIntel will auto-dedupe the leads, contacts, and accounts in your Salesforce database.

Lastly, you can count on maintaining a fresh database over time with no additional work. SalesIntel auto-refreshes your lead, contact, and account data every 90 days – without you lifting a finger.

Enrich Your Salesforce Database

Ready to get started? Use SalesIntel to enrich your Salesforce database now. Just head over to the Salesforce AppExchange and click “Get it Now.”

SalesIntel uses both A.I. and human verification to enrich your Salesforce database. With SalesIntel, you can trust that your Salesforce database is ready to set your business up for success.

Contact us now to learn more.