Bringing in Purchase Intent Data Into Buyer’s Journey

Bringing in Purchase Intent Data Into Buyer’s Journey

Every time you are chasing a prospect who is a bad fit, you are also missing out on a conversation with someone that has already started their buyer’s journey for your industry. But the trick is that you have no idea who they are.

Knowing every data point about your potential buyer and the market seemed like an unattainable dream even a few years ago. Now, marketers are fully prepared with tools and strategies to trace every step connected to someone making a purchase.

The B2B buying journey is more self-serve and digital than ever before. Marketers must identify their in-market buyers early on to be successful by starting sales conversations and getting ahead of the competition. Even when you are executing an ABM strategy, identifying potential customers to target becomes a major challenge.

This is where intent data comes in — to help locate prospects who are already on the path to buying.

Intent Data in a Nutshell

Buyer intent data includes indications that suggest a prospective consumer is interested in purchasing. Buyer intent data tools analyze prospect data to determine what constitutes intent and what is simply regular activity. Then, those tools inform your marketing and sales staff, pointing out possibilities to improve your communication. You learn who is looking to buy and how they’re researching your industry or product.

Adding the Intent Data to Buyers’ Journey

Marketing becomes not only easier but also more successful once your intent data is in place. Companies may utilize intent data to tailor marketing material and create a more direct and stronger link between the user’s intent and the marketer’s content.

With greater clarity, the correct keywords can be utilized, emails can be more tailored, advertising can become more relevant, and other promotional methods can become more personalized. Marketing becomes more accurate and less solicited. Precise marketing assures happy customers and items that meet the preferences of purchasers.

Search Terms Can be Reveal the Intent

Here’s a small infographic that precisely explains the types of search queries your potential buyer can use at different stages of a buyer’s journey.

Awareness Terms

These search terms are typically used by people who are in the early stages of their buying process. Their curiosity has most likely been piqued by the discovery of an internal weakness or an external opportunity, but the best course of action is still unknown. At this level, keywords or phrases are less concerned with the solution and more concerned with gaining a deeper grasp of the problem or figuring out how to take advantage of an opportunity.

People using these terms are less likely to buy immediately, so approaching them with a sales pitch will be too early. Instead, nurture them till they reach the decision stage.

Solution Terms

At this point, people are conscious of their problems or are eager to pursue new market possibilities, and they are actively looking for a solution. However, they are not aware of which tool can help or the most important features to prioritize, or the cost-benefit factors to evaluate. So, the intent is that they are just one step away from deciding to buy, and are focused on building their buying criteria.

Potential buyers at this stage should be placed into an automated engagement campaign right away to nurture their interest and sway decision-makers in your favor. Account-based scoring may indicate further interest and engagement among other corporate influencers and decision-makers. Given that, this is a crucial stage where you have to provide them with the best materials and information to build trust.

Branded Terms

People looking for these phrases are likely familiar with your brand and, in certain cases, the exact solution you provide. The context is crucial here. Look for terms that include reviews, best (industry) tools, vendor comparison, features, installation procedure, support capabilities, maintenance agreements, and financial and investment consequences.

Such phrases suggest that the customer is nearing the end of their decision-making process and that your solution is among the options being considered. Given that, they may or may not end up reaching out to you. However, these are the potential buyers that you don’t want to lose. Intent data lets you identify these opportunities before they approach your competitor.

Knowing how to predict a prospect’s intent based on their search terms allows you to reach the right audience with the right content at the right time. It also gives you the best chance of converting unknown prospects into known leads or contacts. Once you have categorized the potential buyers into three stages, you can easily decide the next action – whether to nurture them or approach them directly for a sales conversation.

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Unmask Who You Should Reach and When With SalesIntel

Intent data is a great tool to solve and serve your consumers faster than the competition. Monitoring Intent Data is increasing by the day. More and more B2B businesses are pursuing this goal of determining their “Total Interested Market.” As a result, a growing number of B2B marketing data suppliers are emerging to assist these businesses.

According to a study by InsideSales, 50% of consumers prefer the provider that responds first. Intent data is extremely important on its own, but it is most effective when combined with additional data points like firmographic, technographic, and engagement metrics to develop a holistic scoring model that includes qualifying criteria and engagement. When used correctly, Intent Data may be a great predictor of which accounts are most likely to buy your product or service.

By activating your tailored intent models in SalesIntel and gaining access to in-depth sales information on accounts that are ready to purchase, you can now approach these “in-market” buyers first.

Provide your sales representatives with B2B purchasing signals to assist them in identifying “in-market” B2B buyers and prioritizing outreach to your best prospects. Sales and marketing professionals can win deals quicker by selecting “in-market” buyers and engaging them with better timeliness and relevance by integrating SalesIntel’s Buyer Intent data with contact and company data.