RevDriver Chrome Extension

Find emails and phones from LinkedIn and beyond.

Download RevDriver and instantly access human-verified contacts from your browser across multiple platforms.

Save time and exceed your quota with RevDriver.

Discover the ease of working with the most comprehensive prospecting intelligence tool on the web, and collect quality prospecting data in real-time from LinkedIn, company websites, and other platforms.

Streamlined Prospect Outreach

95% Accurate, Human-Verified Data

RevDriver allows you to discover prospects, with a click of your mouse, across all social channels including LinkedIn, LinkedIn Navigator and Recruiter, and even corporate websites.

Automatically retrieve human-verified contact data, including direct dial numbers and email addresses, all within the convenience of your browser tab.

Start Using RevDriver

Less Searching, More Selling

Add Contacts to Your Database with Ease

Seamlessly import RevDriver results into your CRM or marketing automation platform, allowing you to easily enrich your database with the most accurate, human-verified contact data on the market!

Import RevDriver records and prospect lists directly into Salesloft, Outreach, Salesforce, Hubspot, and more.

Start Using RevDriver

Backed By Best-In-Class Data

Never Prospect Blindly Again

SalesIntel’s industry leading B2B intelligence platform is what powers the accuracy and power of RevDriver.

In just seconds, enable your entire sales team to curate the most accurate and effective prospect lists they’ve ever had.

Start Using RevDriver

RevDriver gives you data you can trust.

Creating Repeated Success with SalesIntel

“Last week, a construction company in Chicago had made a LinkedIn post. One of my guys in Chicago followed it and he saw the person who had just become the safety manager of this company. He looked up the guy’s information on RevDriver. He just went to the company’s website, pulled down RevDriver, saw a safety manager, got his cell phone number, called him, and scheduled a meeting this week.”

Jeff Patridge

Central Region Sales Manager

Northern Safety & Industrial

50% jump in call to connect rates

“We were looking at, honestly, 16 attempts prior to an average contact previously before someone would say yes or no. We’re probably now around eight or nine.”

Gregory E Corbett

Senior Vice President of Sales


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