15 Sales Tool Statistics You Should Know [Infographic]

15 Sales Tool Statistics You Should Know [Infographic]

The human aspect in sales will never go away—that’s matter of fact. But here’s another fact: the selling is HARD! Don’t make it more complicated than it is. There’s no longer a need to do manual work, for instance, checking up on cold emails one by one.

Automation is taking over the manual efforts with 55% of sales data entry tasks replaced by sales tools in 2020. Sales tools help sales reps identify which customers are most likely to buy their product or service, when they should reach out to those prospects, and what they should be talking to them about. They save time on tedious administrative activities and can concentrate on what matters most: delivering value to customers and companies.

Another purpose for investing in sales technology is that workers have recently begun to seek new resources for their company. This ensures that businesses using conservative or old-fashioned sales strategies not only fear losing sales, but also seeing their top sales talents abandon them.

There’s a huge ocean of sales tools on the market. The potential advantages these tools can offer to your company can be very interesting. From lead generation to contract management—advances in cloud infrastructure, artificial intelligence, data processing, and process automation have moved to its head. While 79% of the sales teams are using or planning to use analytical tools, the use of sales enablement tools has increased by 567%.

Data intelligence tools have helped sales teams organize the data to save time and reduce the errors while switching the platforms. 81% sales reps believe it’s crucial to have a connected view of the data across the buyer journey.

This infographic is all about how sales tools are used in the company, why they are in demand, and more.

15 Sales Tool Statistics You Should Know