Recap: LinkedIn Prospecting Strategy You can Steal

LinkedIn Prospecting Strategy You can Steal

Whether new to LinkedIn prospecting or looking to enhance your existing strategy, this workshop will give you the insights and tools you need to succeed. Join us for an interactive session where we’ll unpack a proven LinkedIn prospecting strategy you can implement to drive results and save your team valuable time!

  • Discover advanced search and filtering techniques to identify and connect with the right prospects on LinkedIn
  • Gain insights into crafting personalized and impactful messages that resonate with your target audience and drive meaningful engagement.
  • Explore tactics for driving measurable results from your LinkedIn prospecting efforts, including lead generation, pipeline growth, and revenue generation.

Meet the Presenters

Ariana Shannon

Ariana Shannon

Director of Marketing, Brand at SalesIntel

Ariana started her career in the tech space as a video marketer at Cirrus Insight and hasn’t slowed down since. Over the last five years, she has been on the fast track, taking her to her current role as the Marketing Director at SalesIntel. Her unique perspectives on sales, marketing, and operations have been forged by a career spent entirely with start-ups. This gives her a leg up as she knows what is needed for not only her team but for her organization to succeed.

Shaheem Alam

Shaheem Alam

CEO at FiveRings Marketing

Starting my first venture at the age of 20 showed me incredible highs and crushing lows (eating PB&J for every meal).

From the grind of door to door sales, to building massive sales teams, to hitting the reset button and starting a career in tech sales, and finally co-founding FiveRings Marketing.

It’s been a blast. Learned a lot over the years and continue to grow both personally and professionally.

At any given moment, we’re helping 40+ B2B companies grow sales.