Quality intelligence and service you can trust.


Providing quality intelligence through human verification.

Our data comes from hundreds of researchers on the web and through our proprietary data feed which is further human-verified by calling contact phone numbers, sending emails, verifying and updating titles, and confirming company data like tech stack, location and more. Every contact and company is reverified every 90 days by our team to maintain 95% accuracy of our data and the highest number of direct dial numbers in the industry.

Unmatched accuracy with AI and human verification →

“We also used SalesIntel to help clean up our current data and refresh our customer contacts. Our monthly newsletters went from a low 30 percent open rate to 54%, with soft bounces well under 0.5%. That wouldn’t have been possible without SalesIntel.”

Koosha Araghi,Director of Marketing – UpCurve Cloud


Quality at your service.

Get comprehensive support from a world-class, award-winning service team who is genuinely interested in your success. SalesIntel users can access a library of supporting assets, engage with our knowledgeable support team and meet with experts to strategize how to get the most out of their data.

Know more about our award-winning service →

“It’s been fantastic. You guys are doing a great job over there. Keep it up, and hopefully, you guys will take over the industry.”

Gregory E. Corbett, Senior Vice President for Sales – CDYNE


Highest number of quality mobile numbers available.

Prospect at the speed of demand and increase speed to lead with our human-verified direct dials and mobile numbers that allow you to find and call your future customers instantly.

Talk to prospects directly →

“We combine our telephone strategies with the data from SalesIntel to make the best connections and take the relationship to the next level for our clients.”

Adele S. Busch, 3-years SalesIntel Client, Founder/CEO at ASB Business Services, LLC


50% increase in contact rate.

“We were looking at, honestly, 16 attempts prior to an average contact previously before someone would say yes or no. We’re probably now around eight or nine.”

Gregory E. Corbett

Senior Vice President for Sales


Ready to talk to real people?