How to Anticipate Shift (and win more wallet-share) in the Supply Chain & Logistics Industry

How to Anticipate  Shift (and win more wallet-share) in the Supply Chain & Logistics Industry

Over the past few years, the supply chain industry has felt like a roller coaster ride nobody asked for. Between massive labor shortages and stranded cargo ships, the ups and downs never seem to end. But despite the recent turbulence, the supply chain and logistics industry is set for incredible growth in the coming years, with experts predicting a global market value of 18.23 trillion by 2030.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Build Your First Link in the (Supply) Chain
  • Identify Key People Within Your Target Companies
  • Harness the Power of Intent Data in the Supply Chain Industry
  • Integrate Intent Into Your Marketing Campaigns
  • Fight Customer Shift or Before it Starts
  • Build a Rock-Solid Database with Quality Contact and Company Records
  • Apply Winning Insights from SalesIntel + LeadCoverage