Ebook: Dear Email, You Bounced Again

Ebook: Dear Email, You Bounced Again

Your message was not delivered.

This is a frustrating statement that no one wants to see. It’s a clear indication that something went wrong or (depending on how many you’re seeing) horribly wrong in your email marketing. Yet, as annoying as undelivered messages are, the bigger question is, ‘what’s causing poor email deliverability?’

What makes this even more of a challenge is that the answer varies from company to company. Is it an issue with the overall domain? The type of emails being sent? Inaccurate information or worse, a spam trap? That’s right, not all bounces are created equal but they all hurt just the same. As a data provider we understand the importance of keeping the email marketing channel effective and efficient. Which is why we’ve created this ebook!

With a deeper understanding of the inner workings of email deliverability marketers will be able to diagnose the cause of undelivered emails more quickly to maintain strong and profitable campaigns.

Dear Email, You Bounced Again