DISA Enhances Sales Efficiency with SalesIntel’s Data-Enriched CRM Upgrade

Disa Global Solutions Case Study

About DISA Global Solutions

DISA Global Solutions is a leading technology company focused on reducing risk and increasing compliance through background screening, drug testing programs, occupational health services, and more. As one of the top four largest companies in its industry, DISA has grown significantly through both organic expansion and acquisitions. Their ideal customers are companies that prioritize compliance and risk management, spanning various sectors, including safety-sensitive industries, healthcare, retail, and staffing.

The Challenge

As DISA expanded through multiple acquisitions, they encountered an opportunity to unify their data systems for greater efficiency. With five different CRM systems, including homegrown solutions, Dynamics, and Salesforce, they recognized the need to streamline their data and enhance consistency. By integrating these systems, they aimed to overcome inefficiencies, keep information up-to-date, and maintain strong data hygiene across the organization.

“We quickly realized that we had multiple vendors, and even the same vendor providing similar services, which was not sustainable. Our data was outdated, and our sales team was wasting valuable time trying to piece together information from different systems.” – Celeste, VP of Sales Ops at DISA Global Solutions

The Solution

DISA partnered with SalesIntel to tackle their data challenges, choosing the platform for its smooth Salesforce integration and strong data enrichment features. SalesIntel helped DISA clean and consolidate their data before migrating to a new Salesforce CRM instance. This integration ensured that data was continuously updated, providing DISA’s sales and marketing teams with accurate, up-to-date information.

“One of the things that I love about SalesIntel is that it’s integrated with our Salesforce. It enriches the data every single Sunday, ensuring that even if a seller inputs incorrect information, SalesIntel is there in the background to clean it up.” – Celeste, VP of Sales Ops at DISA Global Solutions

With SalesIntel, DISA was able to streamline their data sources, making it easier for their sales team to access the information they needed without switching between multiple platforms.

The Outcome

DISA Global Solutions is now well-positioned to continue its growth with a solid foundation of accurate and actionable data.

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Cleaner CRM with Better Data
With SalesIntel’s integration, DISA consolidated multiple CRM systems into a single, unified Salesforce instance. This consolidation led to more accurate and up-to-date data, enhancing the efficiency of their sales operations.

Shortened Sales Cycle
SalesIntel’s accurate and enriched data helped DISA’s sales team identify the right prospects faster, allowing them to enter into conversations with potential clients more quickly, effectively shortening the sales cycle.

Improved Seller Engagement
DISA’s salespeople expressed their appreciation for the tools provided by SalesIntel. The platform’s features, like ICP notifications and lead scoring, have increased seller enthusiasm and engagement, leading to better performance and higher morale within the team.

Enhanced Training and Support
SalesIntel’s ongoing support and training, especially through their dedicated account managers and trainers, have been crucial for DISA. The team’s willingness to conduct multiple training sessions has ensured that all sellers are fully equipped to use the platform effectively.

Equitable Access to Resources
SalesIntel’s pricing model allowed DISA to provide equal access to the platform for all its sellers, ensuring that every salesperson had the same opportunities and tools to succeed, regardless of their position or location.

Increased Sales Efficiency
By having access to reliable and updated data, DISA’s sales team has become more efficient in targeting the right accounts, leading to more successful outreach efforts and better overall results.