Clean, Accurate Data: How Simera Achieved Better Targeting

Simera customer story

About Simeria

Simera, a remote-first staffing and recruitment marketplace, was envisioned during the 2020 COVID era, founded in 2022 and quickly expanded, placing 1000+ workers at 250 companies in the first two years. 

The company improves the hiring process using advanced technology, offering cost-effective staffing solutions to small and medium-sized businesses in North America and Europe, with plans to expand further.


With sales prospects across a range of industries, Simera faced significant challenges related to data accuracy and integration. As they tested multiple data providers to hone in on an efficient sales motion, they bumped up against inconsistencies, with outdated or incomplete information affecting their ability to target the right companies and decision-makers effectively. 

And a growing problem was duplicate contacts (often stemming from burner domains popularly used by tech companies for outbound marketing campaigns), created in the integration of their primary data vendor into the CRM. Duplicate data led to wasted efforts by their BDRs, who discovered they were reaching out to the same contacts, resulting in awkward conversations and lower overall productivity. 

These challenges not only slowed down their sales processes but also posed a significant risk to their ability to scale efficiently.


SalesIntel’s platform allowed Simera to consolidate data sources and update information, ensuring that the information they relied on was up-to-date. “SalesIntel made it easy for us to have clean, accurate data,” said Tina Adolfsson, Head of Partnerships and Client Success at Simera.

By integrating SalesIntel with HubSpot, Simera streamlined their workflows and significantly reduced the need for manual data cleaning. This improvement allowed their data team to focus on refining target company segments, assigned to the BDR team for outreach. The BDRs used SalesIntel’s data to qualify leads and ensure that they were connecting with the right decision-makers. 

Additionally, Simera used SalesIntel to test and explore new target markets, refining their outreach strategy based on real-time feedback.


With the implementation of SalesIntel, Simera experienced a significant increase in efficiency. “We were able to improve deal flow by 40%, without additional resources, by focusing time spent on the right prospects ,” Tina noted. 

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This efficiency gain allowed Simera to maintain their meeting KPI levels during the traditionally slower summer months, when many of clients focus on summer interns and recent college and MBA graduates. Accurate data improves connect rates, number of meetings and ultimately deal close rates.

“SalesIntel supports our outbound efforts and adds more details to our inbound data as we continue to grow,” Tina affirmed. 

As Simera continues to expand and adapt to market changes, they plan to further leverage SalesIntel’s tools, including VisitorIntel, to support their ongoing growth and success.