Catch the Recap!
By now, account-based marketing is widely agreed upon to be a successful method to target enterprise clients and win business. However, some things are easier said than done, and ensuring that your ABM efforts are noticed gets more difficult as more organizations employ the strategy.
Watch the recap where experts from SalesIntel and Rybbon discuss actionable tips and recommendations that you can use to improve account-based marketing within your company. We’ll be focusing on things you can start doing now that don’t require you to reinvent the wheel, and you’ll walk away from our conversation with some winning ideas to ensure that your efforts get noticed and your sales teams can have productive conversations.
Meet the Presenters
Chelsea Legendre
Marketing strategist with a focus on customer engagement with B2B experience in product marketing, project management, and content creation. I honed my writing skills and managed projects at a PR agency, then drove product marketing decisions at an ed tech company. Currently, I launched and now manage the customer marketing program at Logi Analytics, a SaaS-based embedded analytics company. Rybbon is a digital rewards management platform that helps businesses grow using powerful rewards programs. 1,000+ companies like Lyft, Twitch and RedHat use Rybbon’s rewards to boost results for marketing programs like referrals, surveys, webinars and promotions.
Raj Khera
Raj Khera is a past CEO and CMO of 3 SaaS businesses that were successfully sold to public companies, including MailerMailer, an email marketing software business that sent over 1 billion emails per year on behalf of its clients. Raj serves on several nonprofit boards and is the author of the bestselling marketing book, The IT Marketing Crash Course.
SalesIntel is the top provider of accurate and affordable sales and marketing contact data. With 95% accurate, human-verified contacts, 77+ Million machine verified contacts, and the most direct-dial contacts in the industry, SalesIntel is your resource for contact data. SalesIntel’s new method is to have every direct dial number and email tested and re-verified every 90 days. Our combination of automation and researchers allows us to reach 95% data accuracy for all our published contact data while continuing to scale up our number of contacts. With the most comprehensive contact & company data and our excellent customer service, SalesIntel is your partner in growth!